Msm, Vitamin C, Gse, H2o2 for Melasma

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Rebecca (Waterloo, ON, Canada) on 08/12/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I started using MSM 100mg twice a day, Vitamin C 1000 mg twice a day and GSE [GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT] 15 drops twice daily, along with Hydrogen Peroxide (similar to using astringent). I am more than pleased with the results. I have Melasma on the side of my cheek & down along the jawline, upper lip, forehead and chest. I have started to see a significant change in my skin. Some areas are breaking up and others are fading. I have had Melasma since my early 20's, but only a few spots, which increased drastically in my subsequent 3 pregnancies. Thanks for the suggestions - I wore virtually no make up to Church on Sunday, which is a first. In fact I don't really like make-up and would rather not wear it. My chest which is sun damaged as well, is looking smoother and lighter. I looked into this site, with hopes of heading towards my 40th birthday (which is in September) looking and feeling better and I am well on my way.