Grapefruit Seed Extract for Melasma

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Becky (Queen Creek, Az, Usa) on 08/16/2009
1 out of 5 stars

I tried taking GSE for melasma and it did not work. I took 15 drops in water, 3 times per day. I did that for 2 1/2 weeks and did not notice any difference in the melasma, so I tried increasing the dose to 20 drops, 3 times per day. I could only do that for a couple of days; it tasted so horrible! After that, I tried taking 15 drops, 3 times per day again, but did not notice any difference, and the taste was so horrible, I just could not take it anymore. I don't believe it is a fungal condition that is causing my Melasma. However, if I were to ever try the GSE again, I would take it in capsule form.
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Vijaya (Hartford, Ct) on 06/11/2009
1 out of 5 stars

Hi Everyone,
I started taking GSE since May 14th 15 drops 3 times a day. I have seen very little change. I am not figting up hope, i will keep trying for another couple of months and keep you all posted. I had mesalma for a long period of time over 15 years. I will start takig mega doses of vitamin c as well. Please any one has advice?..very desperate..thanks.
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Ann (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/11/2008
1 out of 5 stars

Well, it's been almost a month since I've been using the Grapefruit Seed Extract, and so far I do not see any noticeable improvement in my melasma.


I have been mixing 25 drops/2 times a day mixed in with juice. This stuff tastes truly awful mixed with water, so I had to mix it with juice to be able to drink it.

Anyway, I will continue using the Grapefruit Seed Extract until I have finished the bottle that I bought. I will write back again in another month or so to let you all know if I have any lightening.


Laura (Wichita, KS) on 07/23/2008
1 out of 5 stars

To Kristin from Wichita KS. Hi Kristin. I see is Azure, she's Dr. Tana Goering's PA. She's pretty well versed in the bio identical hormone therapy. Good luck! I haven't noticed the GSE has helped my melasma either. I'm just hoping this hormone therapy will give me some results for a change. Living with this for 10 yrs now is about to drive me crazy. All I want to do is let the sun shine on my face! Even if it's just for 10 minutes! Good luck to you and sorry it took so long to respond. I've been extremely busy.