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35% Hydrogen Peroxide for Melanoma on Head

Bodulica (Barrie, Canada) on 03/21/2024
5 out of 5 stars

My melanoma was on my head, in my hear, approx. 1". Applying 35% Hydrogen Peroxide worked. It took me almost 8 weeks, but it is gone. Thank you for the advice.
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Hydrogen Peroxide for Melanoma

Nixpix (Colorado Springs, CO) on 10/22/2022
5 out of 5 stars

My husband used the 35% Hydrogen Peroxide on his melanoma. It was a half inch wide and we used a cotton tip saturated with the hydrogen peroxide on it 3 times a day. It took about 3 weeks for it to completely be gone. Highly recommend trying this if you have have melanoma.
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Re: Bloodroot for Melanoma

maah (florida) on 09/09/2022
4 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I used bloodroot on my face and upper chest. at first I got a beautiful scar and at one point I had a bad rash all over my chest. When it healed on my face, the skin grew in white. I am now using iodine on my nose. I reserve bloodroot for areas which I don't care how they look when they heal.
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Frankincense Oil and Curcumin Poultice for Melanoma

Flippside (Tampa, Fl) on 02/28/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I am 58 yr old female. I had an anomaly on my lower right leg a few inches above my ankle that appeared over the last 6-7 years as a light brown spot the size of a dime. I took my first photo of it in 2018 and had been keeping an eye on it. Late in 2021, I noticed that it had become darker and ominous. I had heard someone mention in passing in an online video that frankincense oil had been successful in treating melanoma. Sure enough, I looked online and found studies have been conducted.

I first tried dabbing frankincense essential oil on the anomaly 3-4 times a day. After two weeks and no noticeable improvement, I decided to add curcumin (an active ingredient in turmeric) which has also been studied on cancer. I did this by saturating a small piece of cotton with frankincense oil, and then opening a capsule of curcumin and sprinkling it on the saturated cotton. I then placed the cotton on the anomaly and a band-aid over it. I did this daily for almost four weeks and the anomaly is completely gone.

I recently had an annual checkup with my primary and showed them the photo before I started treating the anomaly and they concurred that it appeared to be melanoma and gave me a referral to a dermatologist even tho I showed them that it had disappeared.

I hope this is helpful. It took some dedication to treat, but was better than going thru a biopsy and subsequently having a chunk removed from my leg, not to mention the cost considering my insurance deductible is $7500.

Before and After Photos

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Curaderm Getting in Deep for Skin Cancer Doc Missed

ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 03/06/2021
4 out of 5 stars

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, and a MY-BAD story.

I have had skin cancers forever and should know better. Most I find and solve with CURADERM. Have done that for years. But I do go to a Dermatologist and let him examine me about once a year. I went in November and he found two on my back and surgically removed them. He said my face was good. I felt a spot below my right eye that felt crusty along with two other minor spots nearby.

Almost two months later, I have three holes being eaten out of my face by the Curaderm. It only attacks cancer, not healthy skin. One is getting so deep that it is spooking me. I will handle this, but know that the new medicine soon come to come about and this knowledge will also solve my heart problem. That is, if we win this battle. We will all know in a few months. They do it with frequencies. Just like Royal Rife told us back in the 1930's.


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Baking Soda for Nose Soreness

Faith (Finger Lakes, NYS) on 07/01/2020
5 out of 5 stars

In the beginning of the Covid virus, I had watched a video on YT where a women said that during the 1918 Pandemic, her mother gave them 1/2 tsp. of baking soda in water and no one in her family got sick. So I did this for two weeks. Prior to this, I had a sore inside my nostril on and off for many years and recently it had spread. I couldn't see it, but I could feel it. I was going to see a doctor about it when Covid started. Interestingly, after the two weeks on water and baking soda, the sore was gone. Completely gone. I was so relieved, I thought for sure I was going to need to have half my nose removed for melanoma. I am sold on baking soda and water. I love Earth Clinic!
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Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for Skin Cancer

Mgouffray (Alexandria, Va) on 05/20/2018
5 out of 5 stars

My 80 year old dad recently had 3 health issues going on. Gallbladder needed to be removed, a heart valve replacement as well as a cancerous growth all at the same time. Each doctor said the other issue had to be dealt with first so for 6 weeks his leg cancer grew until the point of doctor saying it required anesthesia and a huge area to be cut out! Because he is 80 I knew he needed a remedy that was easy to use and with something available in the kitchen.

He was becoming increasingly anxious about the painful cancer continuing to grow. After watching a youtube video, I offered a remedy to him and said I could not guarantee results but it was his decision alone. I was only "sharing a solution. The remedy is 50/50 baking SODA (sodium bicarbonate) and coconut oil, applied to area under a bandaid. I suggested changing the bandaid 2x a day. He decided to take a chance a did it diligently.

After 6 -9 days the pain completely disappeared and the sore started to shrink. After two weeks it was 85% smaller and he said he knew it was definitely healing. He didn't track the length of the treatment but I am pretty sure he put this "salve" on for about two full weeks. He said he could feel it working and the baking soda did feel like it was burning some. We decided it would be best to surround any non-cancerous skin with vaseline if he was to do it again. The baking soda somehow worked to create a highly alkaline environment where cancer could not survive and the coconut oil soothed the skin and was protective. I am posting pictures of before and after. Family members didn't really believe it could be true and said go back to the oncologist. My dad did go back in April for a followup and his doctor said 100% cured and that he was absolutely astonished.

So the picture with the purple dots is the area his doctor said would have to cut out under general anesthesia. The other photo is after the treatment.

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Re: Melanoma Treatment

Elvira (Barrie, Ontario) on 02/05/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Eggplant and apple cider vinegar worked more than well. Doctor checked and there is nothing cancerous left. (Approx. 1 month). Cut the eggplant in small pieces, cover with Apple cider vinegar. After 3 days it is ready to use. Good luck!
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Broccoli Sprout Juice, Vit C and Alkaline Diet for Skin Cancer

Susanj (Uk) on 11/17/2017
5 out of 5 stars


My daughter had 2 melanomas (5 years ago when she was 12 years old) and we removed them with blood root (topical salve), but it was clear when we removed them that one had gone very deep into the blood supply. I switched her to an alkaline diet, gave her large doses of Vitamin C and got her into the sunshine every day to boost her immune system. But I also gave her broccoli sprout juice everyday because I'd read that this actively reduces cancer and I didn't want the metastasized cells establishing themselves.

She ate like this for 5 months and drank what she considered to be horrible tasting broccoli sprout juice. It was a long 5 months and I didn't sleep well, but when we took her back for a scan she was cancer free. I wasn't sure that the broccoli sprout juice had been what had actually that cured her because we had also given her vitamin C until 3 years later.

I discovered that I had cancer (skin cancer, on my face) and I don't trust doctors so I decided to self-heal. I intuited that I needed broccoli sprout juice and to start with I drank about 100ml a day which is a lot then after a few weeks I intuited I needed less and so was drinking on average 50ml a day. After 2 months my lump disappeared and there is now just a teeny faint pink mark to remind me of how this wonderful juice healed me. As a result I drink this everyday and the best thing is, that the pains I had been having in one of my breasts (that I'd been ignoring for years) went away. I have no idea what was in my breast, but I can tell you it isn't now and I can tell you that I'm completely converted to the healing powers of broccoli sprout juice.

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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide on Toenail for Melanoma

May (Maine) on 06/17/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Interesting about the nail polish. There's another theory that you might not have heard of which is previous injury to the area. I have spoken to a few friends over the years who reported that they got melanoma on areas of the body that they had injured a few years before. As I understand it, cells in the area of injury get damaged and no longer differentiate. Among the canine greyhound rescue community, it is widely known that greyhounds are susceptible to bone cancer after they retire from the racetrack. The dogs don't typically get bone cancer where they had broken a bone (bone fractures usually heal well when set right) but they do get cancer in the area that had a severe injury but not a break. So keep that in mind because you could have stubbed a toe repeatedly or if you wore tight shoes that jammed your toes as this might have something to do with it.

Needless to say, be good to your feet from now on and careful of the shoes you wear. Melanoma is nothing to mess around with. Best of luck. Do let us know how you are doing.

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Eggplant and White Vinegar Treatment is Working Painlessly Thus Far

Caroljw (Thorndale) on 08/24/2016
4 out of 5 stars

I have been using the eggplant/apple cider vinegar for 10 days. The small mole is gone and the larger one less than 1/2 size. But I have had no pain. Am I doing something wrong? Not that I want pain, but from what I have read, you have to have it in order for it to work.
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Eggplant and Vinegar for Skin Cancer

Todd (Dallas, Texas ) on 07/30/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had Mohs surgery 5 years ago on my neck and created a golf ball sized hole. My Dr. here in Dallas was great but after melanoma showed up on my cheek there was no way I was having Mohs again. We did the eggplant and apple cider vinegar application and just after one week....its painful....but we could not believe that the tumors were gone. Try it. It is remarkable. Cheers
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Hydrogen Peroxide for Melanoma and Viruses

Karen F. (Windsor, Canada`) on 07/07/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle I got from the dollar store all the time now. I had melanoma skin cancer and was researching alternative methods and came across Bill Munro's site. I used full strength 35% hydrogen peroxide on my melanoma spot on my leg. I applied it directly with an eye dropper. It fizzed and grew to the size of a quarter. The cancer is like an iceberg, small spot on top, big cancerous triangle below. It took a month and stopped fizzing. The mole is still there and is dark but when I test it no fizz. If dark moles fizz when you put hydrogen peroxide on them, you know you have a problem.

Now to stay healthy and virus free ( I use to be a teacher and got sick every time a kid coughed on me) I keep a spray bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide next to my tooth paste and spray my mouth 5-6 pumps whenever I go to the mirror or brush my teeth. I spray then swallow it down with a glass of water. I haven't had a cold in 9 years now. This stuff is great. I don't prescribe to the flu shot, or any kind of drugs ever and all is well.

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Salicylic Acid for Skin Cancer

Emma (Usa) on 05/31/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Salicylic Acid works great!!!! Paint tiny bit on suspicious mole or spot on body. Only on the suspicious spot. The cancer will die within two days. Paint on spot two times a day. Underneath it the skin will be raw like a burn, and it will drain. The drainage will form a scab and waa laa. Cancer no more.
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Eggplant and White Vinegar for Moles

F. (Boyett) on 09/20/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Hello All,

I had a growing mole on the side of my nose right near my left eye. I made the eggplant/vinegar recipe with organic eggplant and raw vinegar. I applied it off and on for about one month and it gradually removed the growth. There is nothing there now and has remained so for about one year. I'm now treating other spots and its working.

I don't believe in American doctors since I've seen too many people suffer and then die after receiving their so called treatment-so I wouldn't ever go willingly to a doctor unless I was knocked unconscious and dragged there. I'm very happy with my results. It also made my freckles go away so my skin looks better. I've been using it as a toner for this reason.

Best of luck to you all.

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Possible Cause of Melanoma: Malassezia Yeast

Joru (Northeast US) on 12/09/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I strongly suspect that Malassezia yeast, in combination with environmental and virulence factors that favor its growth, are the cause of Melanoma.

Key points about Malassezia:

- It infects melanocytes in the skin.

- It accumulates melanin.

- Non-lethal exposure to UV radiation stimulates the growth of fungi.

- Unlike candida and most other common yeasts, Malassezia feeds on LIPIDS rather than sugar/starch. Note that because of this, Malassezia will *not* be found in serum fungal cultures because the medium they use is sugar/starch based; it does not contain lipids which are required for Malassezia to grow.

- It is very slow growing, meaning overgrowth occurs over years or even decades.

- Risk factors may include: prolonged use of antibiotics or steroids, exposure to UV radiation (sun, CT scans & other medical procedures, etc), use of oil-based skin lotions, diet high in vegetable oils/animal fats (sources of oleic acid), excessive alcohol (with the possible exception of beer and dry red wine), high cholesterol/triglycerides. High sebum/skin oil and high triglycerides could in theory also be CAUSED by Malassezia. It might release acids etc. that cause the body to respond with increased lipids. (Makes sense since that is its food source).

If I am correct, it may be possible to reduce one's risk by eliminating things that favor the growth of Malassezia. I don't know what treatment options there might be once Melanoma occurs. In general, sulfur seems to inhibit the growth of fungi so that's at least something to think about. Not sure whether levels in food would be high enough to have an effect. Foods high in sulfur include garlic, onions, brassica vegetables like broccoli. Highly pigmented/colorful foods (red-purple-green) are another avenue to explore. I would be careful about supplements containing Vitamin D or iron, as these can feed yeast from what I've read.

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Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy for Skin Cancer

Patricia (Fredericksburg, Va) on 10/14/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I tried Bill Munro's hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy for skin cancer. I saw a black dot on my forehead - watched it, it was getting slightly bigger every day. When I started inhaling the hydrogen peroxide (3%) it was gone in 4 days. This happened a second time with a black dot under my eye. I started the peroxide inhalation and had similar results. I will not stop inhaling peroxide now - and have had no further problems. Thanks, Bill Munro!
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Questions About DMSO for Father with Skin Cancer Lesions on Foot

Cancer Assist (Kampala, Uganda) on 11/10/2013

Looking for help with skin cancer lesions on foot.

My father has cancer on one of his feet, and gout that recurrs on his other foot. He has been on chemo for over a year. When the doctor suggested that the next step is radiation, he has chosen to continue the rest of his life without radiation. He is trying out something called Budwig protocol which is a natural remedy but so far no change after 1 week. We are concerned about the high dosage of omega 3. So I have scouted the site and have read about the use of DMSO to apply. In what form is it supposed to be? I have searched and found one type that is sold as a gel with 15gm of DMSO, 2.5gm D-Panthenol, and 0.33gm heparin sodium. Can this work? How much should we apply? By the way he is totally off sugar foods. He eats fruits as long as they do not have too much citric acid, since he says this triggers the gout by increasing the acidity levels. I have read about bomelain in fresh pineapples and I am going to suggest that he start on these.

Any assistance will be welcome. Thank you.

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Low-Carb, Alkaline Diet for Melanoma

Jaketthomas (Beverly Hills, Ca) on 10/10/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Only Use Iodine on Non-Malignant Melanoma

I used Iodine for my malignant melanoma on my right cheek. Not good. I almost killed myself in the process.

ONLY use Iodine for non-malignant melanoma. My melanoma spread to my brain, and when I put Iodine on my cheek topically, it must've been trying to attack the cancer in my brain as well, and I started having such severe dizzy spells, that I thought I was going to die. These dizzy spells lasted for weeks. Unlike anything I have ever experienced. They were so crippling, that I thought any day could be my last.

I had to heal my cancer from the inside out.

Low carb, alkaline diet, eating right for my blood type O, plenty of meditation, exercise, sunlight, sleep, and love.

The biggest thing for me was going on a low carb, high vegetable diet. I feel like candida/poor digestion played a huge role in the formation of my cancer.

It took months of super strict eating and super clean living, but, it worked. Iodine, on the other hand, damn near killed me.

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Re: Melanoma

Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 01/08/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I went to a talk this weekend by one of the leading alternative cancer specialists in the country. I asked about bloodroot (cancema) as I've found all the info quite interesting on this and have a friend who used it for breast cancer and swears by it. The doctor said it was effective but a really painful way to get rid of (predominantly) melanoma. She said to put drops of Lugol's iodine on the spot instead and it would eventually kill it off - roots and all. Also works for warts. She said if you do opt to have the cancer removed surgically, make sure you take burdock root and other blood purifiers for at least a week after as some roots (of the cancer tumor) will break off or get left behind, they then make their way into the bloodstream, and then attach themselves to something else - like an organ - and it starts all over again. She also had some interesting things to say about lemons but I'll post those on the lemon remedies page.
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