MCAS and C Diff for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

5 star (1) 

JGaston (soAZ) on 10/22/2022:
5 out of 5 stars


I found your page after researching and having second thoughts about taking the antibiotics prescribed. Unusual case.

I have an autoimmune disease called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Every person experiences something different. This go around… GUT. My disease decided to come out of remission in Jan 22; this after a year of trying to get into a GI Dr about my chronic constipation.

After many failed attempts to actually see and get any procedures done (I.e., bloodwork, Sibo/leaky gut check) I decided to take my health back and not “totally” rely on my PCMs. I say this because… in reality I need all the help I can get. Sorry, I digressed.

Fast forward 9 months without answers. 9 months on H1&H2 antihistamines; of constant bloating, redness, and constipation.

9 months of reporting this to my team of physicians (holistic as well now) w/o anything other than… change your diet (Low Fodmap), take miralax…keep on with meds…

Then interestingly enough constipation turns into diarrhea with mucus. Same again, informed PCM and others… action = NOTHING! I asked for a stool sample to rule out parasites and or mold. Again, I ASKED! All of a sudden, “you have C Diff, it’s contagious, detrimental to your health… need antibodies ASAP…. Etc! ” STOP! How did I get this??? PCMs…. Read off summary sheet, me… none apply.

One day on antibiotics and I threw up and instantly regretted it. Tightness in chest. Wheezing. Not good. So I instantly stopped and started researching MCAS and C Diff… C Diff new findings… and here we are 10/22.

Besides my gut being already compromised, I believe it was the H2 antihistamines (PPIs) that sent me over, that and possibly Long Haul Covid which seems to be a long lasting side effect of Covid, per NIH.

I’ve been on the probiotic/ACV/Fermented foods for a week however today something wonderful and crappy occurred. I emptied my bowels (remember… constipation = high histamine = inflammation/autoimmune) and went back into diarrhea. Though I was second guessing myself about all of this… thank goodness for a daily journal… I realized that in addition to feeling good and all, I accidentally took some cleansing herbs w/o thinking.

So long story short… take your time! Write down what you're doing. Don’t overdo on the many other symptoms! Focus on one… C Diff!! Everything else will fall into place.

Read gut-brain connection and vagus nerve. Amazing insight into our guts!

Thank you for this website!! Lifesaver!!


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