Malaria Treatment

Modified on Apr 22, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Holistic treatment of malaria focuses on treating the illness with natural methods to constitute a faster, easier recovery. Supplements and natural treatment elements deliver healing properties that eradicate the parasite in the body and boost the immune system. As many parasites are now immune to common drug therapies, natural remedies are more effective and easier to use.

What is Malaria?

Caused by a parasite, malaria is a disease that is transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Characterized by recurring chills and fevers, malaria kills roughly 1 million people worldwide every year.

Contraction of malaria involves the transmission of a microscopic parasite, typically by mosquito bite. Typically, an uninfected mosquito bites an infected individual and then passes it to a new individual by successively biting him or her. The parasites move into the liver and then transfer to the bloodstream, infecting the red blood cells. Malaria can also be passed from a mother to her unborn child, through blood transfusion and by sharing infected needles.

Natural Treatments for Parasitic Disease

Common treatment of malaria involves medication; however, natural treatments are often less invasive and more operative. Curcumin, papaya seeds and methylene blue are three of the most effective natural options. These treatment options attack the parasite, removing it from the body, and then support renewed health of the body.


Curcumin, an important component of turmeric, is used in treating a number of health conditions. This agent is effective in killing the parasite as well as supporting the immune system.

Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds have been used for treating malaria for years. Due to its anthelmintic properties, papaya is effective at killing the parasite without harming the individual.

Methylene Blue

One of the most historic malaria treatments, methylene blue was used during the Vietnam War to cure malaria. The compound is a negative hydrogen carrier, so it works to attack the parasite. Methylene blue must be taken in conjunction with vitamin C sodium ascorbate, though; otherwise it turns the individual’s urine blue.

More common in tropical and subtropical countries, malaria remains a fairly common health condition. When treated with effective methods; however, the condition and symptoms can be eradicated fairly quickly.

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List of Remedies for Malaria