Natural Lymphedema Treatment: Diet, Lifestyle, and Herbs

Modified on Apr 20, 2024 | Written by Deirdre Layne

Lymphedema, characterized by swelling typically in the arms or legs, demands a comprehensive treatment approach encompassing diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies. A holistic strategy not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the root causes, aiding in the optimal functioning of the body and reducing swelling.

Understanding Lymphedema

Lymphedema arises from a blockage in the lymphatic system, impacting both the immune and circulatory systems. This obstruction hampers the regular flow and drainage of the lymphatic system, leading to a build-up of swelling. Symptoms can include heaviness or tightness, limited mobility in the affected limb, discomfort, frequent infections, and skin changes.

Lifestyle Modifications for Lymphatic Function

Certain lifestyle adaptations are essential to managing and preventing lymphedema. Regular detoxification, for instance, through Epsom salt baths, can expel harmful toxins that contribute to swelling. Exercises and massages enhance lymphatic flow, ensuring regular movement. Additionally, an anti-inflammatory diet is crucial in addressing lymph system issues.

Herbal Remedies for Lymph Node Swelling

Several herbs are recognized for their efficacy in increasing lymphatic flow, minimizing swelling, and reducing inflammation.


Cabbage, widely recognized as a popular remedy for lymphedema on Earth Clinic, stands out for its remarkable healing properties. This everyday vegetable is much more than a dietary staple; it's packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that bolster overall health and fortify the immune system. Its significant anti-inflammatory qualities make cabbage an exceptional choice for mitigating swelling and inflammation linked to lymphedema.

  • Application of Cabbage Leaves: An unconventional yet effective method involves the topical application of cabbage leaves. The leaves can be chilled and then placed on the swollen areas. This can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from pain and discomfort. The natural compounds in cabbage leaves work to improve local circulation and promote healing in the affected tissues.
  • Incorporating Cabbage in Diet: Including cabbage in the diet is another way to harness its benefits. Consuming cabbage in forms like salads, soups, or steamed dishes can contribute to a healthier lymphatic system. Its detoxifying properties aid in flushing out toxins, further reducing the burden on the lymphatic system.

Butcher’s Broom

Known for its ability to improve circulation and reduce inflammation, Butcher’s broom is beneficial in increasing blood flow, strengthening blood vessels, and preventing blood pooling. This herb is particularly effective in alleviating swollen lymph glands.


Ginger, often consumed as a tea, possesses gingerols, potent anti-inflammatory agents. These components alleviate inflammation and discomfort linked to lymphedema while also promoting immune system health through enhanced sweating and lymphatic flow.

Sweet Clover

Applied topically as an ointment, sweet clover stimulates lymphatic functioning. Its coumarin content triggers lymph flow and strengthens the walls of blood and lymph vessels.


Lymphedema's progression, where lymph accumulates in soft tissues, can be effectively managed through lifestyle changes and herbal remedies. These natural approaches improve lymphatic flow and alleviate inflammation, offering a holistic path to reducing lymphedema. Adopting these practices can lead to significant improvements in managing this condition.

Continue reading to learn which natural remedies have helped Earth Clinic readers with Lymphedema.

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List of Remedies for Lymphedema