Dead Sea Salts Baths for Low Energy

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Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/23/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Here's a recommendation for low energy levels:

Dead Sea Salts Baths...

I use them for helping with energy levels by resupplying minerals to the body. I use a cup per bath. Also good is Epsom Salts which is Magnesium Sulfate but the Dead Sea Salts supplies an array of minerals. Actually I use both. One could mix them in the same bath.

The reason such baths are beneficial is that in this contemporary world of depleted soils from lack of crop rotation and allowing fields to lay fallow on a regular basis, I believe we have deficient levels of minerals and vitamins in our diets. So supplementation of both minerals and vitamins may be needed.

I can tell a definite difference in energy levels when I incorporate mineral baths into a health system. Oh...where to buy. Online. And also I have found large containers in the vitamin section at Whole Foods. I suspect Trader Joe's would also carry.