Apple Cider Vinegar for Low Energy

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Renee (Grand Forks, ND) on 06/28/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I was glad to hear you mention adding the ACV to V8 or tomato juice. This is how I take it. The flavor is not altered by much so it goes down easy. It works best for me with food.
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Michael (Rochester, NY ) on 03/23/2022
5 out of 5 stars

ACV works for me. Seems to make me feel lighter and help with my overall mood and energy levels.
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Nic' Harris (Independence Mo) on 04/20/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I am starting to drink the ACV again just yesterday and I notice a very big difference in my stomach and my energy level has gone up. I'm going to post again in 2 weeks to update you on if I am feeling the same. Thanks for watching.
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Teilyn (Oliver Springs, Tn, Usa) on 02/12/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I tried ACV for the first time yesterday. I had heard about it years ago and thought "geez, vinegar, people are crazy. " As the years went by, health problems occurred. I felt very blah everyday. I became very sad and depressed and just chalked it up as part of getting older. I figured that with a heart condition, high blood pressure, Interstitial cystitis, ovarian and breast cysts, that I was just supposed to feel this way. I came down with a bad viral that came on suddenly a few days ago. I felt like every condition I had, had tripled and my body was going to just give up. I was so desperate. I went to the DR. But since it was a viral, he couldn't do anything except to advise me to wait it out and drink plenty of liquid. It didn't help. I decided to try the ACV after remembering it when I stumbled across your site yesterday. I had ONE dose of it and felt 70% better within the hour. I cried. I really and truly cried, because I realized that all of a sudden. I REALLY felt better. I, just for some reason, felt happy (I didn't know that was a real feeling anymore). I felt less achy and my body (especially my bladder) felt SO much better. Today I have had more of the ACV and I have been bouncing around and feeling so cheerful and just giddy. My husband has been staring at me, (wondering if I have finally lost it probably), but he has been so happy to be able to cut up with me like we used to when we were younger. I really think this site and ACV saved my life. I really had given up and was just waiting for my time. I truly was as sad as that is to say. I had set into a frame of mind and that was that. I am SO happy that I was WRONG! Bless your site and bless all of you!
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Chris (Los Angeles, California) on 04/29/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I've been drinking apple cider vinegar daily for three years. I mix 2 tablespoons of acv and a pinch of stevia powder in a tall mug with distilled water. I use the stevia because I don't want to add more sugar to my diet and I find stevia to be an excellent natural sweetener. I drink this every morning and I don't mind the taste at all. I've had more energy since I began drinking this tonic, and I've also had fewer colds. Before acv, I thought my low energy was just normal and I always envied people who had a lot of energy. But after a month of drinking acv everyday, I started to feel, well, brighter, and more full of life. Even my moodiness evened out, and I began to feel happier for no apparent reason other than that I was drinking acv. I now know that the low energy I was feeling before was not normal at all. Whatever skeptical people may say, I absolutely stand behind my acv tonic, and I can honestly say that it's given me new life. I'm so glad to have stumbled onto it. It's changed my life!
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Max Nass (New York, NY) on 01/26/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using ACV for about 2 weeks. I use to need naps all the time after work. My energy level is very high now. Tried different pills, wheat grass, etc. Nothing worked. ACV works. I take 2 tblspoons 3 x a day in 8 ounces of water. I either take it with a meal, before or after. Doesn't matter. Great energy. I drink it with a straw to prevent enamel decay-then rinse with water. I love it. I want to thank you people on this site. You are a Godsend.
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Sandy (Henderson, NV) on 09/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Wow...I've noticed a big increase in my energy since taking ACV for a month. My mother used to use it years ago and I simply forgot about how great it is. I also have been slowly losing weight too. If you can't stand taking it in water, try V8 juice or tomato juice..very good. Thanks Earthclinic!
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Nadia (Shenzhen, China) on 05/24/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I started taking ACV for 3 weeks about 3 months ago without baking soda and it was fantastic, cleaned my whole system, having lots of energy, no pain, weight loss and etc. I am taking AVC+Baking soda now but it seems I don't get the same result as before, am I doing anything wrong here?????. However I recommend it to EVERYONE to please try it for at least 2 weeks , 3 times a day. 2 TBS in a cup of water upon rising, mid morning and mid afternoon. I thank Earth clinic for this site.
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Maggie (Sanford, Florida) on 04/29/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I read about using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for relief from a vaginal/bladder infection on this site. Since I only have major catastrophic medical insurance, paying out of pocket for a doctor's visit was something I wanted to avoid. I had tried 2 rounds of an over the counter treatment, and still had the infection. Therefore, I tried to drink the 2 tsp / 8 oz water with honey mix that was talked about on this site. Yet, I couldn't get past the first few sips. It was so gross tasting to me!!! So instead, I grabbed a tall drinking shot glass, mixed my 2 tsp of ACV with a little water and some honey and took it in drinking shot form - chased (followed) by a glass of water. Much easier! About 2 hours later, the shakey weird burning urge to pee pain of the infection was really dumbed down - I was so amazed how quickly it worked! I continued this treatment 2 times a day (one right before bed), and my infection is now completely gone three days later. However, I'm not about to stop taking this mix each day. The other benefits of the ACV mix are amazing. My energy levels are really good, my mood is good (I have been depressed lately) and I've had some really great hair days since it is so healthy and soft feeling. Even my skin is softer without blemishes. I've been on this mix for 2 weeks, lost 3 lbs without doing a thing too. For anyone thinking about trying this, you can't lose. It is natural, and just trying it for a few days was all I needed to be hooked for life. I only do my shot once a day now, since the infection is gone. Overall, I wanted to write to let you know a new way to take your ACV that works for me in case you also can't stand drinking it down. Possibly try it in a drinking shot glass with less water, but just be sure to have that water chaser afterwards so your throat and tooth enamel aren't hurt by the more potent levels of the ACV in your mouth. Typically a shot doesn't reside on your teeth anyway, so it possibly could even be a better way to take it. I'm not sure, but it definitely works for me. Good luck!

Hank (Charleroi, PA) on 03/29/2008
5 out of 5 stars

feeling out of sorts, i had heard of the acv remedy and decided to start a habit. about a shot of vinegar in water and see if anything changed. Apple cider and Red Wine Vinegar both had a refreshing effect. Greater vitality and breathing came easier.
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