Olive Leaf for Lice

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Diane (Uniontown, Pa) on 03/27/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My grands were INFESTED a few years back with head lice. Both my husband and I were taking olive leaf extract at the time and we never got them. Olive leaf extract taken internally kills them. They got them again. So we took the olive leaf extract and I also used Denorex Therapeutic proactively. They got it again, my head started itching, and I found a bug. So I took ole, did the Denorex Therapeutic again, got rid of them easily. I never even nitpicked. I never vacuumed, washed bedding or any of that. I just changed my pillow cases. My grands have head lice yet again. Their mother has finally agreed to at least make a tea from the ole capsules and pour it on their heads to see what this will do. Just wondering if anyone from here has tried an ole tea yet for head lice?

On another note, for those of you that are wondering why you keep getting them, I heard an interesting story a while back. A coworker said her family had a problem with head lice the whole time she was growing up. Her mother would wash all the beddings, put things in garbage bags and contact all the other parents every time they got them. Her dad was so desperate he poured kerosene on their heads, and they still kept getting them. Years later, they found out that their aunt had them and never told anyone because she was too "embarrassed". So if you're struggling with head lice, it's probably someone in your close circle not letting you know.