Alkalizing, Vitamin C for Leukemia

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Heinz (Tampa, Florida) on 11/13/2014
5 out of 5 stars

For Leukemia, I would check my pH and raise it with baking soda and start using liposomal vitamin C.

See the video on the internet about the New Zealand farmer who came out of a coma (from pneumonia and Swine flu) via vitamin C treatment. A year later he found his leukemia was gone also.

I have met and talked with a lady who, at age 21 was given six weeks to live because of cancer. (I believe that was in the late 1970s.) Her father called Linus Pauling who recommended 50,000mg vitamin C daily via IV. The hospital did administer the IV. She was cured. She is a grandmother today.

Liposomal vitamin C taken by mouth is said to be more effective than vitamin C administered via IV. Much information is on the internet.

The pH of our blood needs to be a little on the alkaline side.

An oncologist, Dr Tulio Simonici, and Dr Marc Sircus Ac, OMD both advocate using baking soda to overcome cancer.

You can check your pH in the morning and adjust it as needed. Simply dissolve the recommended amount of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink. The method documented by the Arm & Hammer Company to raise our pH back in 1925 was:

Day one: Take a total of six doses of half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water. Take at two hour intervals.

Day two: Take a total of six doses of half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water. Take at two hour intervals.

Day three: Take only two doses ? one in the morning and another at night.

Continue taking one dose in the morning until illness is cured.

Again: Check your pH first.
