Raw Ginger for Laryngitis

5 star (2) 

Raj (Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh; India) on 11/15/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have gone thru the remedies for the laryngeal problems, the best home remedy with ginger is ( what I do ) peel and slice the fresh ginger and add a dash of salt and fresh lemon juice untill the pieces immerse keep in the fridge and take 1 or 2 pieces every day morning after brushing and before breaking the day with coffee. when you find gud result stop and continue if you require. a senior citizen
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Slivelife6969 (East Brunswick, New Jersey) on 02/04/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey guys I'm a singer and I can't afford to lose my voice and from time to time I have issuses that will cause me to lose my voice or get horse so I eat thin slices of raw ginger .

It's spicy but your voice will come back very quick it brings down swelling and if you can't stand to eat it, make a tea from fresh ginger root.

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