Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne for Laryngitis

5 star (16) 
4 star (1) 

Nutrition Girl (Uk) on 11/14/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV, cayenne, honey helps with swollen throat and lost voice

I woke in the night with a swollen throat, mucus, and had lost my voice. Today I have used 2 tbsps ACV, 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp manuka honey (240 MGO) and a dash of salt in a small tumbler of warm water. It’s disgusting and burns my throat however I’ve had almost immediate relief from the pain, and swallowing is easier.

I have sipped then gargled the mixture and will do this again at bedtime.

I’m a huge fan of Earthclinic - your remedies have really helped me in the past. I’m a qualified nutritional therapist, and feel modern medicine has lost its way. I have almost no faith in GPs, it’s all about prescriptions and money, pushing medicine that doesn’t work in instances like these. Earthclinic is a great forum for remedy sharing.

i will continue with this particular remedy and update on its efficacy in a few days.

REPLY   9      

Hardworker (La) on 08/29/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

This works! I have been suffering with PND for 3 weeks following a respiratory tract infection. I woke up this morning completely hoarse. One cup of warm water, 3-5 tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne, and a little honey was all it took to clear out the mucus that has been clinging to my vocal chords. I am 60-70% better. I will do the gargle concoction again tonight to eliminate it completely. Unfortunately, my son just got sick and is suffering as well. Do you think this is a safe remedy for kids?
REPLY   5      

Serach (Jerusalem) on 05/17/2014:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have laryngitis. I got bronchitis a week or so ago and almost completely lost my voice. gargled with salt water, Apple Cider Vinegar lemon honey cayenne etc and it helped. But my voice is still weak. There is no green mucus and I dont cough a lot, but when I do it is dry and somewhat hacking. I have had this for a long time. I don't have asthma thank goddess, however my breathing is shallow and constricted and the air quality in apt. is not good despite air filter. Any ideas?

I would reccomend the remedies on this site for bronchitis and laryngitis as I tried most of them and the next day I was able to talk. However it is still lingering. Any thoughts? thanks serach

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Victoria (Mosta, Malta, Eu) on 12/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried acv and cayenne in a glass of water and am already feeling tons better and my voice sounds better too... It is true it removes mucus.... I couldn't believe how effective it is!!
REPLY   4      

Ssladyss (Los Angeles, California) on 11/06/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I became very hoarse Saturday and then lost my voice Sunday. Went to the doctor on Monday and said it was Laryngitis and there was nothing she can do. It is Tuesday (election night) and I just gargled with 1 cup of hot tap water, 5 TBS of ACV, 1/2 TSP of Cayenne Pepper and 1/2 TSP of honey. It is gross- but I powered through it. Almost right away, slimy stuff started to come out with the gargle, that I did not even knew I had. Half-way through I heard my voice with very little effort. My voice is not back, but I can make noises with my laryx with little effort that I could not before. I am trying this again tomorrow morning (again, it is a gross mixture) but I think it is working.
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Julie (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) on 06/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I used red wine vinegar 4 tbsp & tabasco sauce half tsp & 1 tbsp honey - all in 1 cup warm water as thats all I had in pantry. Gargled small amounts then spat out - kept doing til got through whole mixture. Noticed I could speak whole sentences minutes after but voice still raspy occassionally. Definite immediate improvement & feels clearer. Cant wait to see results 2moro as Im supposed to be teaching for 7 hrs! Wish me luck!!!! ;)
REPLY   1      

Joan (Cottonwood, Arizona) on 05/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had laryngitis for over a month and have been trying a mixture from my Nathuropathic doctor. I had bronchitis last December (hadn't had that for twenty years) and pneumonia in April. I have had allergy issues most of my life. I am now infection free, but the laryngitis has been on going.

I had been gargling with hot salt water daily with a little success. I went hunting today and found this suggestion, so made myself a gargle with 3 tbsp. Of ACV, 1/4 tsp. Cayenne, 1 tbsp. Honey in a cup of hot water. I am finally having some voice, so will continue to use this remedy. I am off from work for two days, so am feeling this will be the cure I need.... that and not having to talk for two days! Thanks so much.

REPLY   1      

Cali (Columbia, Maryland) on 04/07/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh my gosh. It's 3am and I was desperate for relief from sore throat, coughing, laryngitis. Found this page. Thought what the heck I'll try anything at this point. Did not have cayenne pepper so used chipotle peppers. 1/2 c. Acv, 1/2 tbsp honey, less than 1/8 tsp chipotle pepper, 1/2 c. Hot tap water. Mixed thoroughly and gargled it all. Effect was immediate. Actually didn't taste that bad either although with this full blown sinus infection I can't taste much. Mouth was burning a little but I didn't care and it didn't last.

Whoever thought this up is both insane and a genius. How often do I do it though? Thank you!!

REPLY   3      

Ryan (Modesto, Ca) on 02/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I just tried the apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper sauce concoction and it seems to be breaking up the mucus or whatever causes the lump in the throat. I think this will help with continued use..... It kind of opens up the sinuses too. I've been using a nasal irrigator as well and that may be helping too.
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Umme Maryam (Islamabad, Pakistan) on 01/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I had bronchitis last week. Doctor prescribed an inhaler and amoxil (antibiotic), which made my stomach terribly upset. So I discontinued the amoxil.

This week my voice was gone Sat morning.. I was gargling with salt water.. But I tried I cup warm boiled water with 5-6 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, a pinch of cayenne and a tsp of honey and yeah I got 60% of my voice back! Go for this remedy!

REPLY   2      

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne for Laryngitis

5 star (16) 
4 star (1) 

Nutrition Girl (Uk) on 11/14/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV, cayenne, honey helps with swollen throat and lost voice

I woke in the night with a swollen throat, mucus, and had lost my voice. Today I have used 2 tbsps ACV, 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp manuka honey (240 MGO) and a dash of salt in a small tumbler of warm water. It’s disgusting and burns my throat however I’ve had almost immediate relief from the pain, and swallowing is easier.

I have sipped then gargled the mixture and will do this again at bedtime.

I’m a huge fan of Earthclinic - your remedies have really helped me in the past. I’m a qualified nutritional therapist, and feel modern medicine has lost its way. I have almost no faith in GPs, it’s all about prescriptions and money, pushing medicine that doesn’t work in instances like these. Earthclinic is a great forum for remedy sharing.

i will continue with this particular remedy and update on its efficacy in a few days.

REPLY   9      

Hardworker (La) on 08/29/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

This works! I have been suffering with PND for 3 weeks following a respiratory tract infection. I woke up this morning completely hoarse. One cup of warm water, 3-5 tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne, and a little honey was all it took to clear out the mucus that has been clinging to my vocal chords. I am 60-70% better. I will do the gargle concoction again tonight to eliminate it completely. Unfortunately, my son just got sick and is suffering as well. Do you think this is a safe remedy for kids?
REPLY   5      

Serach (Jerusalem) on 05/17/2014:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have laryngitis. I got bronchitis a week or so ago and almost completely lost my voice. gargled with salt water, Apple Cider Vinegar lemon honey cayenne etc and it helped. But my voice is still weak. There is no green mucus and I dont cough a lot, but when I do it is dry and somewhat hacking. I have had this for a long time. I don't have asthma thank goddess, however my breathing is shallow and constricted and the air quality in apt. is not good despite air filter. Any ideas?

I would reccomend the remedies on this site for bronchitis and laryngitis as I tried most of them and the next day I was able to talk. However it is still lingering. Any thoughts? thanks serach

REPLY   3      

Victoria (Mosta, Malta, Eu) on 12/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried acv and cayenne in a glass of water and am already feeling tons better and my voice sounds better too... It is true it removes mucus.... I couldn't believe how effective it is!!
REPLY   4      

Ssladyss (Los Angeles, California) on 11/06/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I became very hoarse Saturday and then lost my voice Sunday. Went to the doctor on Monday and said it was Laryngitis and there was nothing she can do. It is Tuesday (election night) and I just gargled with 1 cup of hot tap water, 5 TBS of ACV, 1/2 TSP of Cayenne Pepper and 1/2 TSP of honey. It is gross- but I powered through it. Almost right away, slimy stuff started to come out with the gargle, that I did not even knew I had. Half-way through I heard my voice with very little effort. My voice is not back, but I can make noises with my laryx with little effort that I could not before. I am trying this again tomorrow morning (again, it is a gross mixture) but I think it is working.
REPLY   3      

Julie (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) on 06/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I used red wine vinegar 4 tbsp & tabasco sauce half tsp & 1 tbsp honey - all in 1 cup warm water as thats all I had in pantry. Gargled small amounts then spat out - kept doing til got through whole mixture. Noticed I could speak whole sentences minutes after but voice still raspy occassionally. Definite immediate improvement & feels clearer. Cant wait to see results 2moro as Im supposed to be teaching for 7 hrs! Wish me luck!!!! ;)
REPLY   1      

Joan (Cottonwood, Arizona) on 05/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had laryngitis for over a month and have been trying a mixture from my Nathuropathic doctor. I had bronchitis last December (hadn't had that for twenty years) and pneumonia in April. I have had allergy issues most of my life. I am now infection free, but the laryngitis has been on going.

I had been gargling with hot salt water daily with a little success. I went hunting today and found this suggestion, so made myself a gargle with 3 tbsp. Of ACV, 1/4 tsp. Cayenne, 1 tbsp. Honey in a cup of hot water. I am finally having some voice, so will continue to use this remedy. I am off from work for two days, so am feeling this will be the cure I need.... that and not having to talk for two days! Thanks so much.

REPLY   1      

Cali (Columbia, Maryland) on 04/07/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh my gosh. It's 3am and I was desperate for relief from sore throat, coughing, laryngitis. Found this page. Thought what the heck I'll try anything at this point. Did not have cayenne pepper so used chipotle peppers. 1/2 c. Acv, 1/2 tbsp honey, less than 1/8 tsp chipotle pepper, 1/2 c. Hot tap water. Mixed thoroughly and gargled it all. Effect was immediate. Actually didn't taste that bad either although with this full blown sinus infection I can't taste much. Mouth was burning a little but I didn't care and it didn't last.

Whoever thought this up is both insane and a genius. How often do I do it though? Thank you!!

REPLY   3      

Ryan (Modesto, Ca) on 02/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I just tried the apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper sauce concoction and it seems to be breaking up the mucus or whatever causes the lump in the throat. I think this will help with continued use..... It kind of opens up the sinuses too. I've been using a nasal irrigator as well and that may be helping too.
REPLY   1      

Umme Maryam (Islamabad, Pakistan) on 01/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I had bronchitis last week. Doctor prescribed an inhaler and amoxil (antibiotic), which made my stomach terribly upset. So I discontinued the amoxil.

This week my voice was gone Sat morning.. I was gargling with salt water.. But I tried I cup warm boiled water with 5-6 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, a pinch of cayenne and a tsp of honey and yeah I got 60% of my voice back! Go for this remedy!

REPLY   2      

Nutrition Girl (Uk) on 11/14/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV, cayenne, honey helps with swollen throat and lost voice

I woke in the night with a swollen throat, mucus, and had lost my voice. Today I have used 2 tbsps ACV, 3/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp manuka honey (240 MGO) and a dash of salt in a small tumbler of warm water. It’s disgusting and burns my throat however I’ve had almost immediate relief from the pain, and swallowing is easier.

I have sipped then gargled the mixture and will do this again at bedtime.

I’m a huge fan of Earthclinic - your remedies have really helped me in the past. I’m a qualified nutritional therapist, and feel modern medicine has lost its way. I have almost no faith in GPs, it’s all about prescriptions and money, pushing medicine that doesn’t work in instances like these. Earthclinic is a great forum for remedy sharing.

i will continue with this particular remedy and update on its efficacy in a few days.

REPLY   9      

Hardworker (La) on 08/29/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

This works! I have been suffering with PND for 3 weeks following a respiratory tract infection. I woke up this morning completely hoarse. One cup of warm water, 3-5 tablespoons of ACV, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne, and a little honey was all it took to clear out the mucus that has been clinging to my vocal chords. I am 60-70% better. I will do the gargle concoction again tonight to eliminate it completely. Unfortunately, my son just got sick and is suffering as well. Do you think this is a safe remedy for kids?
REPLY   5      

Serach (Jerusalem) on 05/17/2014:
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, I have laryngitis. I got bronchitis a week or so ago and almost completely lost my voice. gargled with salt water, Apple Cider Vinegar lemon honey cayenne etc and it helped. But my voice is still weak. There is no green mucus and I dont cough a lot, but when I do it is dry and somewhat hacking. I have had this for a long time. I don't have asthma thank goddess, however my breathing is shallow and constricted and the air quality in apt. is not good despite air filter. Any ideas?

I would reccomend the remedies on this site for bronchitis and laryngitis as I tried most of them and the next day I was able to talk. However it is still lingering. Any thoughts? thanks serach

REPLY   3      

Victoria (Mosta, Malta, Eu) on 12/13/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I tried acv and cayenne in a glass of water and am already feeling tons better and my voice sounds better too... It is true it removes mucus.... I couldn't believe how effective it is!!
REPLY   4      

Ssladyss (Los Angeles, California) on 11/06/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I became very hoarse Saturday and then lost my voice Sunday. Went to the doctor on Monday and said it was Laryngitis and there was nothing she can do. It is Tuesday (election night) and I just gargled with 1 cup of hot tap water, 5 TBS of ACV, 1/2 TSP of Cayenne Pepper and 1/2 TSP of honey. It is gross- but I powered through it. Almost right away, slimy stuff started to come out with the gargle, that I did not even knew I had. Half-way through I heard my voice with very little effort. My voice is not back, but I can make noises with my laryx with little effort that I could not before. I am trying this again tomorrow morning (again, it is a gross mixture) but I think it is working.
REPLY   3      

Julie (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) on 06/11/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I used red wine vinegar 4 tbsp & tabasco sauce half tsp & 1 tbsp honey - all in 1 cup warm water as thats all I had in pantry. Gargled small amounts then spat out - kept doing til got through whole mixture. Noticed I could speak whole sentences minutes after but voice still raspy occassionally. Definite immediate improvement & feels clearer. Cant wait to see results 2moro as Im supposed to be teaching for 7 hrs! Wish me luck!!!! ;)
REPLY   1      

Joan (Cottonwood, Arizona) on 05/08/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had laryngitis for over a month and have been trying a mixture from my Nathuropathic doctor. I had bronchitis last December (hadn't had that for twenty years) and pneumonia in April. I have had allergy issues most of my life. I am now infection free, but the laryngitis has been on going.

I had been gargling with hot salt water daily with a little success. I went hunting today and found this suggestion, so made myself a gargle with 3 tbsp. Of ACV, 1/4 tsp. Cayenne, 1 tbsp. Honey in a cup of hot water. I am finally having some voice, so will continue to use this remedy. I am off from work for two days, so am feeling this will be the cure I need.... that and not having to talk for two days! Thanks so much.

REPLY   1      

Cali (Columbia, Maryland) on 04/07/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

Oh my gosh. It's 3am and I was desperate for relief from sore throat, coughing, laryngitis. Found this page. Thought what the heck I'll try anything at this point. Did not have cayenne pepper so used chipotle peppers. 1/2 c. Acv, 1/2 tbsp honey, less than 1/8 tsp chipotle pepper, 1/2 c. Hot tap water. Mixed thoroughly and gargled it all. Effect was immediate. Actually didn't taste that bad either although with this full blown sinus infection I can't taste much. Mouth was burning a little but I didn't care and it didn't last.

Whoever thought this up is both insane and a genius. How often do I do it though? Thank you!!

REPLY   3      

Ryan (Modesto, Ca) on 02/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I just tried the apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper sauce concoction and it seems to be breaking up the mucus or whatever causes the lump in the throat. I think this will help with continued use..... It kind of opens up the sinuses too. I've been using a nasal irrigator as well and that may be helping too.
REPLY   1      

Umme Maryam (Islamabad, Pakistan) on 01/16/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I had bronchitis last week. Doctor prescribed an inhaler and amoxil (antibiotic), which made my stomach terribly upset. So I discontinued the amoxil.

This week my voice was gone Sat morning.. I was gargling with salt water.. But I tried I cup warm boiled water with 5-6 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, a pinch of cayenne and a tsp of honey and yeah I got 60% of my voice back! Go for this remedy!

REPLY   2      
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