Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne for Laryngitis

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Jafrtr (Salem, Wv) on 05/03/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Had laryngitis.... Did not have cayenne pepper but gargled with red wine vinegar mixed with 3/4 tsp. of ground red pepper. After one time my voice was half back. May sound crazy, but it does help.
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Ginny (Pensacola, Fl/usa) on 11/03/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Worked when nothing else did! I have had terrible allergies for years and frequently lose my voice completely. I have tried gargling with salt water, cough drops, peppermint, etc. All work-but only temporarily. I just completed gargling with one cup of warm ACV combined with 1/2 tsp. Cayenne pepper and 1/2 tsp. Of honey (organic) and within 5 minutes I had my voice back! Almost instantly, this breaks up that "stuff" that sticks to your vocal cords. Thanks for this site!
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Patricia (Wilson, Wy) on 04/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I found this forum when dealing with laryngitis. On vacation to Ireland, and have not been able to speak for several days! I bought some cayenne pepper and some honey.

Mixed about a tablespoon of honey with about one teaspoon of cayenne. Added a few drops of water to thin it just slightly. Ate the mixture off the spoon, letting it set on the back of my throat and hang there a bit. It only burned slightly for about one minute, then my throat felt better than it had for days!

Within twenty minutes, my clogged sinuses were dripping clear liquid instead of heavy mucus (the source of the laryngitis, I am sure) and I can speak! Still a little hoarse, but I don't have that feeling a a big lump in my throat!

I looked at my throat in a mirror before and after taking the mixture. BIG difference. And I am not having to clear my throat or coughing like I had been. That made it worse.

This is AMAZING.

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Zora (Chicago, Il) on 11/05/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I had a severe cold over the weekend, and, when it disappeared, it settled into my throat this past Tuesday. All day Tuesday, I was becoming increasingly hoarse. I gargled with salt water, and only continued to get worse. I had full-blown laryngitis by Tuesday evening. I could not speak at all. Even whispering caused sharp pains in my throat.

After reading the recommended notes on Earth Clinic (EXCELLENT site, by the way!) on laryngitis, I poured 2 Tb of apple cider vinegar into a glass, added 8 oz of hot tap water, along with 1/2 tsp of cayenne. I gargled with this before bed, and again, the same in the morning.

I was teaching Wednesday morning for 4 hours, and had to be able to speak. I was desperate, and was encouraged by the stringy stuff that I was able to spit out while gargling. Yes, my chapped lips burned a bit and my nose ran, but nothing too terrible to handle.

The next morning I again used the same solution, and was encouraged that I could occasionally speak over a whisper. I was able to get through my teaching with the aid of a microphone, half whispering and half croaking out the notes.

I gargled 2 more times on Wednesday. After the overuse during the morning, I was back to whispering Wednesday night, but a bit louder. This morning (Thursday) I was able to speak for another 4 hours, with a croaky voice, but did not need the microphone. I've gargled again since coming home, and right now just have a husky voice (a la Kathleen Turner). I plan on gargling again tonight and the next day or two until my voice is well recovered.

Thank you, thank you, Earth Clinic and contributors! I CAN'T thank you all enough! This was a VERY important seminar that I taught this week, and the ACV and cayenne mixture revived my voice, and saved my seminar!

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Elizabeth (Danbury, Connecticut) on 04/18/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I lost my voice very late this Wednesday night, so late its probably better to say very early Thursday morning. I loose my voice a lot and I keep cough drops with zinc on hand. I have Spring Preview for college on Sunday so I need to get my voice back as quickly as possible. The cough drops were less affective than usual because my laryngitis was considerably worse than usual. I gargled salt water Friday night and did multiple sinus rinses. Nothing seemed to drastically improve my voice. So finally Saturday morning I reluctantly gargled with Apple Cider Vinegar while in the shower (since I keep some in there for dandruff, its amazing!) the taste was terrible of course, but my voice was almost back. I'd say I went from having 10% to 60% of my voice in one use. Now for dinner I've put Cayenne in the corn I'm going to eat, because I have a low tolerance for spicy foods but I figure mixed with other foods I should be able to handle it. Hopefully my voice will be back by tomorrow!
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Nicole (Chicago, IL) on 04/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I had acute laryngitis on Saturday morning. So I started drinking tea with lemons in it. The next day, I woke up feeling worse. So I yahooed cures for laryngitis and stumbled across this site. I switched from drinking tea to apple cider vinegar and had immediate results. Then, I started taking cough drops and noticed that my throat was becoming more and more congested. So I stopped taking the cough drops and found out about Cayenne pepper. I mixed it in with the ACV and lemon water and regained 60% of my voice in an hour!!!! It's now Tuesday morning and I have 100% of my voice restored!!!
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