Apple Cider Vinegar for Kidney Infection

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Susan (Dallas, Tx, USA) on 10/07/2011
5 out of 5 stars

On the subject of Apple Cider Vinegar for kidney infections...

ACV is awesome and should be used sparingly to treat acid indigestion. Too much ACV will cause loss of potassium... I think I am I consuming a lot of ACV... Maybe 1 Tablespoon to 16oz... Maybe way too much.

I had a bladder infection in May.. Anitbiotics cleared it up. Then I started to increase my ACV. Then a routine blood test detected abnormal proteins. The Dx is MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy undertemined signifigance. ) Probably NOT a big deal, many older people can get this and it is related to inflammation in the body (I have Fibro.. )

HOWEVER.. One of the ratios they look at is BUN:CREATININE. My ratios are high.. And have been since bladder infection. I take NO MEDS of any kind. My potassium levels are low, but low normal. At this time, I can only assume that I am drinking TOO MUCH of the ACV, flushing TOO MUCH of the POTASSIUM out of my body. That said, I do NOT want to stress out the kidneys and the filtration. MGUS has a 50/50 possiblity of progressing to Multiple Myeloma in 20 years.... AND... M. M. Causes stress on the kidneys... Who knew??

So is ACV awesome? Yes! Does it help short term? Yes! But anything in moderation.