Whitfield\'s for Jock Itch

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Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 03/04/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I have mentioned that, after killing extensively on the skin, it should be repopulated with probiotics just like your colon is. It should also be acid, not alkaline.

The way I do that is...

1. I use ACV with Mother for a few days after any bleach soak, then dry with a hair drier.

2. To repopulate, I mix about 1 Tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil in a little empty cold cream jar (buy an aloe-vera cream at the dollar store, then throw out the contents) with Nature's Way Primadophilus - Optima. Then I just dab the end of my finger in it and wipe it over my balls and butt crack.

Do this every day. You'll find that any remaining itchiness will go away. Oftentimes the reason one is feeling itchy after a bleach soak is the extreme dryness that occurs after alcohol or bleach has been used. The coconut oil acts as both an anti-candida/anti-fungal AND carries the probiotics to the area.

Do probiotics that are supposed to live in the colon live there afterwards? Seems like some do, or at least the time period that they do live seems to help the situation. I think way too little is still known about probiotics to really know. I think they like to think that these bacteria don't ever live outside the colon - when many of them just might.

It definitely seems to help, that I will have to say. Is it scientifically sound? I don't have a clue how many live, and how long they live outside the colon, or even if they survive the coconut oil; maybe it is the powder base that they pack the stuff in encourages the right sort of bacteria to regrow on your skin.

Anyways, I would suggest it as a final treatment after you have done all the killing and possible alkaline treatments which imbalance both the pH and healthy bacteria levels in your pores and on your skin.


Thewind777 (Mesa, Az) on 02/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Some final comments that might help.

This can work for almost any skin ailment, anywhere on your body. It might work particularly well with bed sores (not sure if the alcohol in a huge open bed sore would be a great idea, but...)

After a rugged regimen has been done, and it might be cracked or even an open sore (I'm talking about the spot just above my butt)... Lets say you did something really severe and really blasted the area with 10 coats of iodine per-day to completely obliterate a deep-set candida area, bed sore, skin eruption, or even skin cancer... which has left it feeling raw with peeling skin and a burned feel, or even cracked skin.

This is how to do a final fix:

I wash with 91% Isopropyl and a Q-Tip, let dry. This could hurt a bit if it is an open sore; but just deal with it for a few days until it has healed.

Next, I use a liquid which can be excellent at killing things, even though it is touted as an 'analgesic' (to deaden pain).

Use one teeny drop of "White Flower Analgesic Balm" and spread it in. I certainly would not use that on my balls as it contains such things as Camphor, Menthol and Wintergreen. Liniments such as this, put on the balls, will cause you to go through the roof. That would be equivalent to putting Heat in someone's jock strap. But, for the butt crack, works great.

I then use a tiny fingertip of Coconut Oil and spread it around, then take about 1/8 teaspoon of Turmeric powder and work it in to the oil until it is dry.

Then I go to bed with it that way.

After about a week, it should be healed. To finish with the healing, I clean with 91% alcohol and a Q-tip again, then one drop of the White Flower Analgesic Balm.

Finally, to seal it off from all moisture, I use a tiny dab of Sulfa Derm Skin Formula. This is made from volcanic ash and is high in sulphur.

And I just keep doing that for another week.

The skin should be extremely smooth now, and itch free.

To maintain it, just use one drop of White Flower and one dab of Sulfa Derm.

That's it.


Stingerrray (Fleming Island, FL) on 08/13/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I feel compelled to post my cure for Jock Itch. There were two big oval red patches on the inner sides of each of my thighs. Everything I saw on the web pointed to Fungal Jock Itch. I suffered with it for the last 6 years and finally stumbled upon success a few months ago. I tried most everything here on earth clinic and many other sites as well as OTC medicines to no avail. This cure may not work for you, if it helps just one person this post will be worth it.

First off I had a long standing bout with this about 10 years ago. At that time I tried everything. As bad luck would have it (Or as far as Jock Itch is concerned Good Luck), in 2004 I was hit by a Stingray's Barb. I was admitted to the hospital for just one day and they treated me with high powered antibiotics to fight off possible infection. At the time I was battling a terrible flare up of Jock Itch. A strange thing happened after a couple of days after this antibiotic treatment. The "Jock Itch" dried up and began to flake away, it was gone at last. I enjoyed a few years Jock itch free.

Once again it came back after being with the same partner that I had been with many years earlier (about 10). I went to my doctor and he took one look and said, "Hmm, Jock Itch" and prescribed the normal ointments available OTC. After this did not work I was desperate and begin to search out on the web for answers. I tried everything, I mean everything. I remembered the antibiotics I had been given many years earlier. The antibiotics had an effect. I searched out the term "Bacterial Jock Itch" and the results I saw mirrored regular Fungal Jock Itch. This made a bell go off in my head that this must be what I am suffering from.

As luck would have it one of the first few pages I read suggested a time tested remedy, Whitfield's Ointment. This Ointment is not available from within the USA. I was able to find it in many other countries, however, that would ship to USA. I ordered one small jar, after 2 days I was Jock Itch Free. It has not returned in 4 months. It is labeled as an anti fungal and antibacterial ointment that contains benzoic acid and salicylic acid. It was a multi purpose skin cure from the late 1800's. Given what I know now I would have had a Dermatologist take a skin scraping to determine what was on my skin. I was amazed at how this gave me the relief I had searched for for so many years. Again I hope this helps just one person.
