Mouthwash for Jock Itch

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Jl (Malaysia) on 06/29/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I've been suffering from jock itch for nearly a year. Have tried all kinds of medication. Oral - fluconazole, itraconazole. Cream - miconazole, daktarin, lamisil.. Went away twice but it recurred months later (also probably due to the fact that the doctors didn't tell me to continue the treatment even after the symptoms were gone). Last cream I tried was lamisil. Even with one week application twice a day, itch was still there. I was at my wit's end when I read up about listerine and how it can combat jock itch. Figured I'd give it a try. Poured some onto a cotton ball and applied to the affected area. Stung a lot at first, but I left it on for a few mins and rinsed off with water. Wiped dry and applied baby powder. This is the most relief I've ever had in a long time! I've been almost itch free for two days. Going to continue this for maybe a week and see how it goes.. Probably the high concentration of ethanol (about 20%) in listerine dries the moisture and kills the fungus. It's also antiseptic in nature. Read about many trying isopropyl alcohol which helped too.. but it's toxic if absorbed into the body. Would definitely recommend Listerine!
REPLY   1      

Petersen (Southampton, Uk) on 08/04/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Listerene (mouth wash) cured my Jock Itch.

I had Jock Itch for years and had tried the usual creams that they advertise, they didn't work. I read on a site somewhere to use Listerne, as I already had some in my bathroom cabinet I decided to give it a trial run.

I applied it to the area (and a bit further) after a shower in the morning, then in the evening before bed. Yes, at first it does burn a little, but after a while you get used to it and the burning does actually decrease (I assume because its working!). I basically nearly went through a whole bottle of the expensive Listerene, but I guess you could use the normal stuff. I have a feeling its the Menthol and/or maybe the Eucalyptol in the Mouth Wash that are the active ingredients.

*Please feel free to amend this email, I DO NOT work for the people who make Listerene! As I said I just have a feeling it was the active ingredients that worked and may exist in other mouth washes.
