Deodorant for Jock Itch

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Leftyjockey (Canada) on 12/02/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I used a basic unscented deodorant, and when it got super dry and itch, I sprayed a vinegar / water 50/50 solution to alleviate the itchiness. After a few months of suffering from this insane jock itch, I'm seeing a difference!

My groin area got very scaly, so I rubbed the skin with anti fungal ointment to scrape off (definitely not by scratching! ) the dead skin. My guess is that it's a direct result from fungus dying off.

I also sprinkled baking soda on my mattress and left it for hours, and after putting on new sheets, the crawling feeling around the groin totally disappeared.

*** I have tried countless over the counter creams, coconut oil, aloe Vera, and nothing really worked.

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Thomas (Windsor, Vermont) on 08/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Used some basic unscented deodorant spray ($3) in my groin area today on top of my antifungal cream. Wow, what a difference! My groin stayed dry all day (it's really really humid) and all through my workout. Yesterday I itched and sweat like crazy... Today, no itch at all. Amazing.
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Brian (Northampton, Ma) on 08/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I finally found something that keeps jock itch at bay. Preventing it seems to work better than any "cure" ever did. I just spray on Arrid Extra Extra Dry anti-perspirant every day or every other day and it stays away.
REPLY   4      

Frank (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I think I had jock itch for months maybe longer. I found a site which I lost which suggested deodorant for tinea. I had a rash on both legs starting at the groin and extending 3 inches down. It matched the descriptions, red and darker on the leading edge. I used my wife's roll on deodorant by smearing on a light coat each morning after my shower. It cleared up in less than 2 weeks, but it had an initial effect in the first few days. 3 weeks and there is now hardly any sign of it. I think most deodorants have the same ingredients.