Baking Soda for Jock Itch

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Paracelsus (Orlando, Fl) on 07/04/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Baking soda for jock itch and all fungal infections:

I have had jock itch on various occasions and have been able to easily and quickly resolve the fungal infection with sodium bicarbonate aka baking soda. I either pour a mixture of water and baking soda on the affected area or paste some powder directly on the area. In order to prevent a recurrence I eat yoghurt or supplement with probiotics. I also would drink some baking soda and/or acv.

Baking soda is a very powerful antifungal and can take care of all fungus including athletes foot and yeast infections. It is also used to fight fungus associated with cancer. Dr. Simoncini from Italy cured many cancers with just sodium bicarbonate.

Since many people suffer from fungal infection after being treated with antibiotics, it is important to regrow the beneficial bacteria in your gut with probiotics.