Vinegar And Rubbing Alcohol for Itchy Ears

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Anonymous (Ca, San Diego) on 06/26/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I took round of antibiotics afterwards I had itching in inner ears I tried 50/50 Apple cider Vinegar with rubbing alcohol I let it sit in my ear for maybe 20 minutes let it drain all the itching stopped. WOW
REPLY   4      

Susan (Sarnia, Ontario Canada) on 06/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars


It took me many years to discover this, but after going on a drastic anti-candida diet, which included completely removing sugar from my diet, my itchy ear problem completely resolved. I spent most of my life suffering from itchy and flaking ear canals. Now, if I slip off the wagon and eat sugar for a couple of days, the problem returns.

REPLY   7      

Carrie (Denver, Colorado, Usa) on 02/07/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've had itchy ears due to fungal infections for years. I made a mixture of 50% apple cider vinegar and 50% rubbing alcohol and placed in a dropper. I drop this remedy in my ears every morning after showering, and in the evenings before bed. I have had a significant decrease in itchy ears. The alcohol keeps the ear canal dry and the vinegar creates an acetic acid barrier that inhibits the growth of yeasts or fungi. Highly recommended.
REPLY   7      

Felirose (Destin, Florida) on 01/13/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My grandmother had very itchy ears for the longest time. She spent hundreds of dollars on medication, but nothing helped. Finally, she heard about using a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol (so perhaps 1 tsp of vinegar and 1 of rubbing alcohol. She used white vinegar, but I'm sure ACV would work just as well).

Desperate, she filled up an ear with an eyedropper and let it do it's thing for about an hour, while she laid down and watched television. Then, she turned over and let it drain out onto a white towel for another hour.

The white towel was covered in black "stuff" - that were in her ears! She did it on both ears twice, and hasn't had itchy ears since!

I've used this when I have itchy ears - though I've never had black drainage, thank God! It works every time to stop the itching.