Hydrogen Peroxide Douche for Interstitial Cystitis

5 star (1) 

Lauren (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/08/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey ladies, I developed "IC" after a miscarriage last year. A doc put me on various types of antibiotics (which always made my bladder feel better) for ureaplasma and possible Lyme disease; I have not had a positive urine culture since the onset of my "IC". Because of the antibiotics I got yeast infections a lot. Frustrated, I began douching with peroxide and - SURPRISE!!! My constant bladder symptoms (urgency, frequency, burning, pressure) and pain during intercourse were nearly erased!! So I ordered a vaginal test to figure out why. It showed that I don't have BV at all and very little yeast, but a serious overgrowth of group B strep (4 on a scale of 0-4 !! ) an antibiotic and herbal sensitivity test was done, showing all antibiotics to work, and also oregano and colloidal silver.

I'm currently trying oregano mixed with coconut oil (so I can mold it into a suppository and it wont sting). My doc says the herbals are better for vaginal problems because antibiotics kill off the lactobacillus/bifidobacterium, allowing infectious bacteria to return stronger. Whats interesting is I tested negative for group B strep while pregnant with my son 3 years ago.

Also, I noticed while using the antibiotics, kefir or any other cultured milk was the only product that seemed to truly have live and active bacteria. If I drank this, my stomach was fine. But with probiotic capsules, regular yogurt, my stomach was NOT happy! I hope this helps someone!! I'll keep you guys updated!

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