Boric Acid Suppositories for Interstitial Cystitis

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Kaylap (Abbotsford, Bc) on 02/03/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes, I agree on the boric acid. I found that recurrent yeast infections were exacerbating the inflammation in the pelvic region and thus causing IC flare ups. I experienced lots of relief from IC once I started taking probiotics as well as another herbal supplement (forget the name) to heal my gut, and boric acid to fight yeast.
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Mary (Hastings, Mn) on 09/15/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Boric acid capsels can be premade for emergencies and kept with you. I fill only to 1/2 full or I can get a burning sensation. I put them in my purse in case I flair and have to drive a long way, or fly on a plane all day. They can be inserted in any restroom really fast if you have your purse with you. I premake a few for if I can't sleep due to pain and urgency, and I want quick relief. Works in 15 min to 1/2 hr for me. Keep with the tampons in your purse. It can save a vacation, or a dinner out, that's for sure!

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Rs (San Francisco, Ca) on 09/22/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I also tried all the remedies for BV and also had continuous bladder infections (so I thought) most likely caused by douching with H20 and H202. I read about the boric acid capsules and quickly bought boric acid and veggie caps and made my own (very cheap). I inserted one capsule nightly for about 3-4 nights and it was gone. Totally gone, and like you, I never had another bladder infection again, which I later found out was I.C. And I never knew it. I also believe that the boric acid capsule cured the I.C. When I feel the BV or the I.C. coming on, I immediately insert a boric acid capsule and its totally gone. I also highly reccommend liquid colloidal silver for I.C. I read about it on this site for treating I.C. And also make that a daily part of my regimen. The first day I took the liquid colloidal silver I felt all my I.C. Symptoms go away. I take it everyday now without fail and no pain, everything is back to normal. I also take large doses of super cranberry extract everyday just to be sure I have everything covered. It may be over kill, but its better than dealing with the pain and discomfort of I.C. And BV on a daily basis. Thanks for your comment and thank your Earthclinic for helping me and others.

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Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 09/21/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

That is wonderful to hear! I also had suffered from IC and never once thought to look in that area until I read this article:

"Researchers Ruben Gittes, MD and Robert Nakamura, MD, of the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation recently published a research study on Female Urethral Syndrome: A Female Prostatis" in the May 1996 issue of WJM. Their studies have conclusively proven that women do indeed have a set glands, the paraurethral glands, which are homologues of the male prostate. In the abstract for their research project, they state "The most important aspect of recognizing this microscopic 'female prostate' as an anatomical feature is that it's infections may completely explain many cases of the urethral syndrome."

I noticed my symptoms decreasing when I started using boric acid capsules for my recurring bv/yeast infections. I noticed within weeks that my IC symptoms improved dramatically. I now use a verrrry diluted oregano oil for my vaginal health and guess what???? No IC symptoms.... I take my daily turmeric just in case (it's a great anti-inflammatory) I just thank the Lord that I found Earthclinic over a year ago. I have found soooo many awesome remedies that WORK!

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