Apple Cider Vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide Douche for Interstitial Cystitis

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Pinklight (New Orleans, Louisiana United States) on 05/21/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am greatly interested in anyone who read about an equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide douche that reduced or cured ic. My issue is the frequent urination day and night. I tried this concoction today and it burned so badly I could not really do it. It may have been the Apple Cider Vinegar that caused the burning; I'm just not sure. Has anyone tried this? If so, did you end up having to dilute the recipe with water and it still worked? I'm anxious to know. Thanks for any replies! -Pinklight
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Lauren (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/04/2011:
4 out of 5 stars

I too started douching w/ peroxide and vinegar due to a stubborn yeast infection and- voila!! IC symptoms (burning, pressure, pain, frequency) were soooo much better. So I douched for about 2 months, but it kept coming back quickly unless I douched every few hours. I learned I have a very heavy growth of group B strep in my vagina (tested negative for it 3 years ago, before IC started). So this explains why antibiotics always made my bladder feel better, but after I stopped i'd get a major flare-up (good bacteria killed off enabled bad ones to proliferate more).

Currently having luck with boric acid. I insert a "00" size veggie cap full of it at least once a day, and also a cap full of kefir cultured milk to repopulate good bacteria.

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Shawna (Bronson, Mi) on 02/25/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I want to say thank you for this idea. I have been battleing urinary issues since just before Thanksgiving. These issues include constant burning, pressure and really bad spasms. Tests continue to be negative for infection. I've been on antibiotic off and on the whole time and __viaz for about a month, still no relief. Pain so bad at time I can't get out of bed, sleep in a recliner with pillows between my legs and have been off work for over a month. Running to the bathroom 30 or 40 times a day and 8-12 times at night has foreced me to hybernate. I started using the half perioxide half apple cider douche 3 days ago and drinking lemon juice with honey also and feel like a new person. Only getting up 1-2 times at night is awesome and I no longer feel the spasms or my bladder hardening. I quit taking my scripts yesterday and can not wait to go back in next week and find out the results of my scope and udi test. But am so thankful you shared this remedy.
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Cherieh. (Odessa, Texas, Usa) on 09/04/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis more than 2 years ago and it's been excruciating. Having been told there is no cure, and after many painful and expensive treatments I had to be my own health care advocate. A couple of months ago I began to douche 2x a day... Morning and afternoon... Using equal parts apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. (Do NOT douche in the evening or the hydrogen peroxide will keep you from sleeping. ) Within 4 days, the constant urge to urinate was completely GONE and I was able to discontinue the Flo*** I was taking to help me urinate. After the second week, I was able to discontinue taking El***** because all my symptoms of I. C. disappeared! My doctor is utterly amazed and telling his other I. C. Patients. I am able to eat anything I want (with the exception of beets and hibiscus tea) without fear of a flare up. I have my life back!!!! Amazing that the help I needed was under my roof the whole time. I am still douching 2x a day as of today.
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