Anti-Candida Treatment, Cabbage for Interstitial Cystitis

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Grandma (Narooma, Nsw Australia) on 02/10/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

On the subject of cystitis, about 25 years ago I had chronic cystitis, bled from the bladder each time and life was pretty tough. Try holding down a job while suffering a bout! After 7 doctors and 3 surgeons, and the only solution seemed to be live on antibiotics for the rest of my life, (plus one doc who inferred that I might get help from a psychiatrist! ) I walked away and began my own long journey into natural solutions. It's right that cystitus is more about the digestion than the urinary tract. What I've found it's caused by candida yeast overgrowth (Candidiasis). Due to poor digestion from this, grains and dairy in particular clog the whole digestive system especially the bowel, and feed the yeast while the good bacteria are smothered. Remove grains and dairy from the diet, clean the build up of 'sludge' through the system by eating a small piece of cabbage each day to cleanse and heal the digestive system. You may suffer bloating and wind for 2-3 days but that's the cabbage doing its job.

Because candida is a small plant its roots reach through the bowel wall into places like the bladder, cruising the blood stream, creating itchy nose, ears, rear area, skin problems, general havoc. The more antibiotics they fill us with, the more the candida yeast is happy and grows. I've been free now for more than 20 years after being told by a lady doctor that it's something that many women get and have for life. I have it and I'd better get used to it! A couple of other things to note - it's best to stay away from oranges, mandarins, peaches, nectarines, apricots and pineapple until the whole inflamed system is healed because they can be an irritant. After some 3-5 years of living on lots of fresh vegetable juices, raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits I found I could eat any fruit or vegetable I liked with no affect. My husband and I still live this way today having raised our family on the above diet. Juicing and a raw food diet will help to heal any health problem without fail. We're all basically suffering from malnutrition and toxic chemical overload. I wish you good health.

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