Lavender Oil for Insomnia

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Trudyg (Anon) on 05/09/2013:
1 out of 5 stars

Not me, I was up all night thinking of how bad the smell was. Tried again after a week, put some on a cotton ball, same thing. Moved it farther away so no smell, but still no sleep.

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Saffordshire Born And Bred (Burntwood, Staffs, England) on 01/03/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have heard and read about people on the net that cannot get to sleep, they don't want to go down the tablet route and ask advice? For years now I have used Lavendar Oil. It's safe and none addictive. Just a couple of drops on your pillow and you will get a good nights sleep. Regards

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