Kefir for Insomnia

5 star (1) 

Gina (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada) on 10/18/2012:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been plagued with insomnia for a very long time and had a little success with melatonin and 5-HTP.

However, after reading a book on controlling low blood sugar, I found a total insomnia cure. Simply have about 3/4 cup of plain yogurt or Kefir immediately before going to bed, and anytime you wake up at night. You will fall asleep easily, quickly, soundly. It's important that it's plain yogurt (either cow or goat) NOT soy, NO additives, NO fruit, and NOT just milk (all of these have natural or added sugars or lactose which will wreak havoc on your pancreas and defeat the purpose) Plain yogurt and kefir are essenitally free of lactose (milk sugar) because the probiotic bacteria have already digested this substance. Goat and Cow yogurt are both high in tryptophan , a natural precurosor to melatonin, htp, and seratonin, which are the chemicals your brain produces to cue your body to relax and sleep.

I incidentally cured my reflux with this, too. Even though you are told Not to eat at bedtime if you have reflux (gerd), I think the probiotics in my kefir snacks actually healed the lower esophogeal sphincter ( which controls the reflux)

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