Infertility: Natural Remedies to Improve Fertility

Modified on Apr 03, 2018 | Earth Clinic Team

Infertility - Causes and Treatments

Approximately ten to fifteen percent of couples in the United States alone are affected by infertility. Infertility can be defined as an individual’s, male or female, inability to contribute to conception. Infertility in women may range from a woman’s inability to become pregnant to not being able to carry a child full term while infertility in men involves not being able to contribute viable sperm. In either case, the result is the couple’s inability to produce a child, which can be stressful and disappointing for both individuals involved.

The typical couple is able to achieve pregnancy within the first six months of trying to conceive. Within twelve months, nearly ninety percent of couples are able to conceive when having frequent, unprotected intercourse. The main sign of infertility is being unable to become pregnant. Infertility often exhibits no other obvious symptoms. IN some instances, a woman may experience irregular or absent periods. Very rarely, a man may exhibit signs of hormonal issues including changes in hair growth or sexual function.

Several factors contribute to infertility. Generally speaking, one-third of cases is caused by infertility of the male, one-third is caused by the female, and the remaining cases are caused by the male and female jointly. In any case, common causes of infertility include abnormal sperm production or function, problems with sperm delivery, overexposure to certain environmental factors and damage related to cancer. Infertility in women is often caused by ovulation disorders, uterine or cervical abnormalities, fallopian tube damage or blockage, endometriosis, ovarian insufficiency and pelvic adhesions. Additional causes of infertility in women include thyroid problems, cancer and its treatments, additional medical conditions and certain medications.

Natural Infertility Treatments

While infertility is a common issue, many infertility treatments are available that improve fertility and make getting pregnant possible. The body’s pH balance is an important factor in pregnancy. As such, balancing the pH is an effective solution for supporting fertility. Apple cider vinegar diluted in water is a natural way to balance pH. Additional treatment options include vitamin B12, barley green, dates, guaifensin, vitamin C and a combination of lime and baking soda. Eating a healthy, balanced and natural diet and staying active are also important elements for developing, maintaining and supporting fertility.

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List of Remedies for Infertility