Multiple Remedies for Hypothyroidism

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Lana (London) on 05/07/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks Magda! Since I first found my TSH as high as 19 two months ago, I've been taking the same vitamins, herbal teas of echinacea, licorice, astragalus; ashwagandha capsules, chyawanprash in the morning and triphala in the evening, EV coconut oil 2-3 table spoons a day, fruit, cooked vegetables, very little of oatmeal and other grains, every day bone broth, brazil nuts for selenium and pumpkin seeds for zinc/magnesium, sometimes probiotic capsules. I use only olive oil for frying.

In two months my TSH improved to 10. The antibodies also improved.

Should I start taking levothyroxin tablets?

REPLY   2      

Magda (Edinburgh, Uk) on 11/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, I managed to cure my hypothyroidism naturally within 8 months. Previously I was on Levothyroxinum 50 mcg for 3 years but experienced some side effects and decided to stop my medication on my own in February. The beginning was very difficult. The herbal pills from China did not help much and in June my TSH was 7.0

Then I started taking MSM, L-tyrosine, mega doses of B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, selenium, vitamin D3 (very important- 5000IU) Vitamin E. Everything in high doses. I also was drinking a lot of herbal teas like: nettle (for extra iron), horsetail, sage, liqurice root. I had a big glass of raw vegetable/fruit juice with ginger every day. I also consumed some chlorella, coconut oil, fish/evening primerose oil and bee pollen. I installed water filter to get rid of the fluoride in my drinking water and used chemical-free cosmetics and household products (no perfume as well) I consume only organic meat, raw cheese and do not drink any alcohol nor coffee and do not smoke. I walk 1-2 hours every day and use only cable internet and no wireless devices. (wireless and all x-rays are very bad for the thyroid) I reduced the use of my mobile phone. I removed all my amalgam fillings and do not eat tuna- too much mercury in there! ) I also tried liquid zeolites for a month and it gave me so much energy but had to discontinue it because of high price. This is a lot but certainly it worked because my TSH is 3.30 now and I am feeling much more better. If I do not take MSM I am losing my hair and if I do not take 300 mg of niacin a day I am getting nervous. I hope it will help. Regards, Magda