I have been using Neem Tree leaf, bark, and oil for about 3 months. The oil of the seeds is not for human consumption, but used externally or mixed as pesticide. But I wanted to report my use of the leaves and bark. I order my supplies from ____, their price is very cheap compared to the health food store, and other sites on line. I get the loose leafs, and ground bark by the pound and make my on capsules of the size 00 (I buy them from the health food store) and took 2, two times a day, and also made my bark capsules and did the same 2, two times a day, and drink a lot of water. (Do the tea after you do the three weeks of capsules) Do tea for only one week. Well they gave me a great cleansing out. To make the tea I took four teaspoons of leaf and put into a quart jar of slightly warm water (do not use hot) and let sit for 24 hours, then keep in the frig, to drink shake and drink one cup, leaves and all at least 2 times a day. Now this is VERY hard to do,,,this is VERY bad taste, add what ever you want to get it down, I could not add to many things because I am Diabetic. But I took two cups of the TEA twice a day for one week. Then, at this time of the tea drinking, *I stopped smoking after 12 years of at least one pack a day. I had know with drawls, nerves,,now I had been praying about it for a few months, and I had made a decision to stop. I did think about a smoke,,but it was not something that I could not handle. So I know that the cleansing from the Neem gave me a great help. The neem has a lot of information on line, there are a lot of neem products at health food stores, there are a lot of companies selling online, but I have to watch my spending so I make my on capsules, I use the oil either straight on my body where ever needed and I add a few drops to shampoo or lotion, but only if it is really needed because the oil has a very, very strong smell. There are sites that sell the capsules made, they are smaller than mine, so you would have to take 3, but for the price of one jar of leaf caps you can buy one pound at _____, in the health food store I saw a bottle of neem oil one ounce for $15, I can get 8 ounces at that price at the other place.