Red Raspberry Tea for Menstrual Cramps

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Iluvshoes! (San Francisco, Ca) on 08/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had very painful cramps with Very Heavy bleeding that lasted for 5 days! And this cycle repeated every 21 days! So I would have a full period twice a month!! I was miserable and had to schedule my life around my cycle, because I was doubled over in pain or afraid of the embarrasment of bleeding onto my clothes! A friend recomended drinking this tea and my life changed!! I no longer have ANY Cramps!! The bleeding has subsided to 3 days with a normal flow and now my cycle is regulated to every 26 days or once a month. I have more energy and vitality and dont have to call in sick anymore!! This tea is blessing not only for pregnancy but for your menstrual cycle as well!! I tell every woman I know about this tea!! No need for birth control pills or other hormonal intervention. I love its pleasant light taste and enjoy drinking a cup a day.
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Sandra (L.a., California) on 08/21/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having menstrual cramps to a varying degree for the past few years and thought that I just had to live with them for the rest of my life. Fortunately I found this website and tried red raspberry tea. Wow, I could not believe that it worked. It seemed too easy. I drank one cup of tea in the morning and one in the evening 2 days before my period started until 2 days after it started and I had no cramps at all. I highly recommend giving this a try. I will keep doing this for the next few months and if anything changes I will let you know.

Hannah (Northampton, Ma, Usa) on 02/26/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I was hesitant to use molasses (sugar) to ease menstrual cramps, as I'm already prone to candida. Instead, I sipped a cup of red raspberry leaf tea. I used loose leaves, less than 1 tbsp in hot water with a bit of lavender and peppermint. Within minutes the cramping has subsided. Definite "yea!"
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A (Smalltown, Bc Canada) on 02/04/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I agree with using raspberry tea for menstrual cramps. As soon as I feel any sort of cramping coming on, I make a very strong cup and drink it (with or without honey). Within half an hour, my cramping has eased.

Apparently it is the calcium/magnesium content in the leaves that helps, so if you have cramps, taking a regular supplement would probably also be beneficial.

If you have access to raspberry bushes, you can make your own tea by drying the leaves. Otherwise, any store-bought raspberry leaf tea will do.