Blackstrap Molasses for Menstrual Cramps

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CT (San Francisco, CA) on 09/29/2022
5 out of 5 stars

One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in a glass of warm milk was what worked for me to eliminate the cramping. I just needed to drink it once a day for the first few days of the period. By itself it tastes kind of gross, but with milk it is delicious. Wish I had known this simple remedy decades ago so I did not have to suffer needlessly!
REPLY   11      

Regina (Fairfield, CT) on 05/04/2022
5 out of 5 stars

My 15 year old teenage daughter was suffering from monthly debilitating pain right before and during her menstrual cycle. I started giving 1tbsp of blackstrap molasses to her and boy does it work! I am so happy I found this website!
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Tammy (Ontario) on 12/14/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Hey there.

I too suffered from severe cramping. But what I do is just take the molasses beginning the day before my period starts and during my period, only. It works! I make a tea a few times a day and my cramps are minimal!

Also, I have a hard time with the taste, so I make it in a teas, as I mentioned above. My fav is chai tea with a little cream or almond milk, and 1 teaspoon of unsulphered blackstrap molasses (sometimes I add a hint of sugar r honey too lol). If its a night, I use a decaf tea and the same additions.

Try that instead of every day? Good luck :)

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Meg (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/04/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Amazingly, this really works. For the past four months I experienced terribly painful cramps. Strange for me, given I'm 53 years old and haven't had cramps since I was a teenager. The only thing that relieved the pain was a Chinese remedy that I got from my acupuncturist. But unfortunately since I've had hormone-fed cancer in the past, I couldn't continue to take it (it contained a phytoestrogen, my doctor nixed it). She said instead I should take an NSAID like ibuprofen or naproxen a couple days prior to my cycle, and continue for a couple days into the cycle. No thanks! I gave the Black Strap Molasses a try, starting three days before my cycle started. It was organic, unsulphured molasses. I took a spoonful (about 1-1/2 teaspoons), once a day. On the day my cycle started, I took one spoonful in the morning and another in the evening. No cramps! Yay!! Only a sense of tightness, which is what it normally would feel like in the first day or two of my cycle. I'm not sure if it's just a placebo affect or if it really does ease the pain, but I'll take it! My plan is to continue taking it through the third day of my cycle, then discontinue, then start it again about 3 days before my next cycle.
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Isa (Toronto) on 09/25/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I had suffered with cramps since I was 13 (I am 21 now). I came across this remedy online and decided to try it as I had severe cramps and was willing to do anything to have them gone. I started taking about a tablespoon of BSM every day mixed in with warm tea once a day for a month. When my period came around I also took a magnesium supplement once a day. For the first time in my life I have been pain free during my period.
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Elli (Utah) on 09/05/2015
5 out of 5 stars

This is fantastic, I used to lay on the couch sweating with cramps, and even extra strength tylenol would only bring it under control. I would put a couple tablespoons of molasses straight down my throat and then sip on molasses tea for about an hour. and then once at lunch and once for dinner.

Made the pain chill, more manageable flow, everything was better.

REPLY   5      

Jasmine (Ontario, Canada) on 11/28/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and my cycles had always been irregular (usually every four months or longer). When my period did come it was very painful with heavy bleeding. My cycles began to regulate about 5 months ago; coming every 35-40 days starting the first cycle I started taking BSM. I am 26 and this has been the first time since I started my cycle at 14 that I had a period on a regular basis.

I was having very bad cramps when I came across BSM on this website and found that it almost eliminated my cramps in less than an hour! The first cycle I began taking it my period went 9 plus days to 5 days and this has continued since. The flow has been lighter and no longer heavy.

With my cycles regulating since starting BSM, I can't help but wonder if that has been the final magic ingredient for me. I also take vitex (chasteberry) and inositol for PCOS.

At first I could not bear the taste of BSM. Now I take BSM as a warm drink. I use a heaping tablespoon of unsulphured BSM and two teaspoons of raw cocoa powder (also has lots of health benefits). It almost tastes like hot chocolate. I take this drink when I remember before ovulation and closer to and during my period I drink it everyday.

Thank you to everyone who recommended BSM for period pain... and thank you Earth Clinic for multiple cures I have found on your website.

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Converted (Sydney, Australia) on 01/09/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Organic unsulphered blackstrap molasses truly helps with period cramps. I've had severe cramps on first day of period and always relied on painkillers. Started taking 1 tablespoon of BSM every morning in one cup of warm water 2 months ago.

First month I noticed a reduced flow but pain still there. Second month having nearly finished the jar, I had my first PAIN FREE period in more than 10 years! Miracle!

I have ovarian cysts so I suspect the BSM has reduced the cysts. I also occasionally took with 1 capful of ACV. Please try BSM it tastes great like malty coffee and don't worry about sugar levels.

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Tina (Altoona, Pa) on 11/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Blackstrap Molasses has been an incredible relief for monthly cramps that were becoming intolerable. I am 46 years of age and I have tried multiple remedies. The beet juice was also effective but molasses is quicker and easier to take. I got lazy and skipped a month and the terrible monthly pain returned. I highly recommend!!
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Katherine (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 10/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I usually get cramps worst at night and in the morning. Last night about an hour before bed, I ate between 1 to 2 tablespoons of BSM and although I had cramps when I went to bed, I know I did not have them all night because I woke up a couple times (unrelated) without any. Also, in the morning, when they are usually the worst, I had none! I've now been awake for about three hours and still no cramps! I am SOO happy!
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