Kefir And Apple Cider Vinegar for High Blood Pressure

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P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 04/08/2016
5 out of 5 stars

One of the best treatment for High Blood Pressure is as follows:

1) Take one cup of homemade milk kefir in the morning on empty stomach for 8 weeks.

2) Mix 2 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, a pinch of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, sesame seed oil or olive oil in a glass of water. Drink this just before dinner for 8 weeks.

These will cure high blood pressure problem.

Kefir is a milk-based Fermented Probiotic food while Apple Cider Vinegar is a Fermented food. But both are fermented foods. According to research papers available in the internet, there are some types of probiotic bacterias that can generate nitric oxide from the foods we eat. These nitric oxide generating bacterias can be classified as follows:

Tier I (critical) = L. plantarum and L. rhamnosus.

Tier II (useful) = L. fermentum.

These three types of probiotic bacterias are in Kefir. Nitric oxide generated by these bacterias will join the blood stream and will dilate all stiff blood vessels in the body. This will reduce the blood pressure.

Apple Cider Vinegar contains -

1) Fiber called pectin - It is called Prebiotic and it will be used by Probiotic bacterias as foods. This will help probiotic bacterias to multiply fast.

2) Many useful enzymes - Enzymes are necessary for many chemical reactions to take place inside our body. If some of these enzymes are missing inside our body, some chemical reactions necessary for our body will not take place.

3) Many Minerals - These minerals will change our body ph level from acidic to alkaline.

Apple cider vinegar also play an important role in reducing the blood pressure especially the enzymes it contains.

Best wishes P. Raghavan.