Homeopathy for High Blood Pressure

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Wendy (..., Canada) on 10/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Despite trying to live a holistic organic non processed diet for the last 10 years (it's been a process), you can't always get your spouse on board OR they fall off the wagon ;-( My husband has gone back to eating a lot of fast food and junk this summer as he is travelling on the road abd gone for days at a time. He's stressed with work, 2 businesses etc. Anyhow, he knows better but... Here we are. He's gained 30 lbs and is at 233 and I finally got him to go to the ND. His blood pressure was 170/100. Highest its ever been ;-( So of course diet has to be a 180 but in the meantime the ND gave him a tincture to bring it town right away while he works on his diet. 3 days on the tincture and its 134/85 LOL If I read it correctly from the bottle its made up of crataegus monogyna 200 ml, ravwolfia serpentina 50ml (PLEASE CHECK SPELLING ON THESE IT'S HARD TO READ HIS WRITING!! )

After examining MY HUSBAND this is what he prescribed FOR HIM: he has instructed him to take 5ml daily until BP is 135/85 then every other day. (we have added in CoQ10, msm, bcomplex vitamin, ______ vitamin c, and fulvic-humic acid minerals, a good fish oil) - ALL but the Coq10 the kids and I take regularly and my husband takes sporadically 'when he remembers' but NOW he's taking them faithfully) Anyhow I will post back with updates in the weeks to come, but this is looking promising. While sometimes WE KNOW EXACTLY what we have to do and SHOULD be doing, sometimes it is not that easy and it takes something drastic to put us back on the right path ;-) This tincture is IMO "THE" reason his blood pressure has dropped drastically in 3 days. I would not recommend exploring this without the help of a practitioner but it's something you can take with you, research etc. when you go!!