Dietary Changes for High Blood Pressure

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Jennym (Pittsburgh) on 12/18/2016
3 out of 5 stars

I wish people would realize that animal fats and meat are not a plague on mankind. I used to get secondary high blood pressure. It would come on at any time. I exercised (walked to work every day about 2 miles). I got rid of it by nixing vegetable oils specifically corn, peanut, soybean and canola oils.

I also started eating a healthy diet, meaning ancient wisdom from our ancestors- eggs, meat with the fat, liver, soaked grains, no processed breads or foods etc. I did not do any vegan/vegetarian stuff. I drank raw milk and avoided all processed foods. And guess what? After about 5 months, my rheumatoid arthritis and secondary high blood pressure went away as if by magic. People have to look beyond what they are being told and realize that we are the sickest we've ever been. The usual 'eat lots of veggies great health and avoid animal fats for great health' is not true. I only mention the book because it's the most concentrated source for getting back your health. Please see Dr. Weston A. Price's research into indigenous peoples diets.