Antibacterial Soap for Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Wossta (Jackson, MS) on 05/24/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, i have been dealing with HS since I was nine years old, I am now 33. I have went to doctors after doctors, and I have had my sweat glands removed from my left arm pit and my left breast in which I have not had an outbreak in those areas since, but the cyst, boils, or legions have gotten worse in the right breast and arm pit and there now coming in my buttock area. I think my case is the worse because I have dealt with the disease for 24 years, and did not have a clue about what I had until about five years ago, and I have tried everything under the sun. After my surgery the doctor told me to use dail soap (antibacterial only) and hibiclens which is an antiseptic/antimicrobial skin cleanser that you can purchase from Walgreens. It cuts down of the spread of bateria in the infected area. I can honestly say prayer and hibiclens has made it more managable for me. Another helpful hint is when using hibiclens the order is not noticable.
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Cherie (Brockton, Ma) on 05/23/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I have had HS for 10yrs now. I've had surgeries which have helped it subside in certain areas. I have read on here that some people use dial soap and it didnt need to use the DIAL LIQUID ANTIBACTERIAL Soap/bodywash. I use it and it helps a lot. I also found that using Gold Bond Baby powder triple action relief is a huge helper when irritation occurs. As for flair-ups...I just deal with's painful but I do what I was taught to do; keep the area clean, dry and use Bacitracin ointment and I stay strong. Thats all I know how to do!
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Brandy (Troy, Mi) on 05/19/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I use Cetaphil Antibacterial soap. It is a bit more expensive than the Dial, but it works well for me. My issue is that washing twice a day makes my skin uncomfortably dry and itchy. Is it safe to use moisturizer on the affected areas? I have Cetaphil moisturizer - it is supposed to be pretty basic with no added perfumes or such. I just started taking Zinc Gluconate and Vitamin E to see what that will do to help. I have had success with taking Yaz birth control - the affected area is still spreading and infected, but I have not had any huge lesions in a long time and very few that break open and leak. I am also going to start taking Turmeric to see how that helps.