Peanut Butter for Hiccups

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Holly (Ohio) on 10/05/2021
5 out of 5 stars

In the past I have always been able to cease hiccups with the holding breath method. This evening I tried for at least 20 minutes holding my breath and for some reason it wasn't working. Got on Earth Clinic and tried the peanut butter technique. After one spoonful of peanut butter, not one hiccup! I love this website!
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Arle M. (United States) on 05/15/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you, wanted to say that my 28 year old son was up all night with hiccups and told me when I woke up. I said go to Earth Clinic, we tried the peanut butter and it worked instantly! You guys are awesome!
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Amanda (Davenport, Iowa, United States) on 12/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Yes peanut butter works great to get rid of hiccups just eat a big spoon of peanut butter and ur hiccups will be gone!
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Christine (Belle Plaine, MN) on 11/12/2007
5 out of 5 stars

My husband had an epidural shot done and the next day he had the hiccups which continued for 4 days and we became alarmed and called the doctor. The doctor said it was nothing to be concerned about and just to deal with it basically. Well his chest was starting to hurt real bad from the constant hiccuping so I started to research remedies for this. I am just AMAZED that a teaspoon of peanut butter did the trick! Wish I would have researched sooner but he is happy they are gone!
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Marla (Buffalo, NY) on 10/03/2007
5 out of 5 stars

It's the first thing I try and I always suggest it to other people. They are amazed. I take a heaping tablespoon of creamy peanut butter all in one swallow. Its hard to swallow a lump of peanut butter but thats just what makes it work, it forces your diaphram and esophagus stop spasming. Plus who doesnt love an excuse to eat that much peanut butter by the spoonfull?
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Marty (Canoga Park, California) on 05/28/2007
5 out of 5 stars

My 12-year-old grandson was having a bout of hiccups, and complaining noisily that it wouldn't go away. I took him with me to the computer, checked your web site, saw the remedy about a teaspoon of peanut butter. We went to the refrigerator and found a jar of peanut butter. I dug out a teaspoon of the peanut butter and gave it to him. Within a couple of minutes the hiccups stopped. Amazing!!
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Brian (Lexington, Kentucky) on 03/30/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Peanut butter cured my son's hiccups. My step son had the hiccups this morning. Hiccups are bad for him because he is going through chemo and hiccups sometimes cause him to vomit. I found the peanut butter cure on your website and tried it. It worked! I was so surprised and happy that I told my wife about it on the phone (she was at work) and she said that she had known about the peanut butter cure for years and had always used it. Thanks to Kristopher from Houston and to Earth Clinic.
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Kristopher (Houston, Texas) on 03/20/2007
5 out of 5 stars

A teaspoon of peanut butter has worked to cure hiccups for myself, my wife, my son, my mother and just about every other member of my family and any of the friends I've told.