Holding The Breath Technique for Hiccups

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Jess (PA) on 11/07/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Take three deep breaths, and then on the third breath, hold it as long as you can. I was told this by my anatomy teacher who says hiccups are nothing but your diaphragm having a spasm. So taking three deep breaths and holding the last one stretches your diaphragm, and therefore stops the hiccups. I have tried this many times, and it does work instantly.
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Nestor (Sydney, Australia) on 05/25/2006
5 out of 5 stars

i don't usually have hiccups but when it does it really bothers me because it last for so many hours and even days. i tried so many remedies like holding my breath for as long as i can, but it didn't work, so i searched the net and this is what i found that cured my hiccups....take a deep breath using your mouth until your lung is full.. DO NOT BREATH (PINCH YOUR NOSE SO THAT NO AIR CAN ESCAPE) swallow, or pretend that you are swallowing something, inhale more air through your mouth while holding your breath, swallow, inhale then swallow..by this time you might be turning pale...release your breath through your nose.....it worked for me and i hope it will for you...if it does please let me know.

Vinny (Atlanta, GA) on 04/25/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, Ever since when I was a little kid, I had heard many things but only one worked for me. I hold my breath for about 6 secs (if you hiccup while holding your breath start over) and continue doing this for about 4-5 times and it should be gone. Good Luck.
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