Multiple Remedies for Hiatal Hernia

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GayleS (Mississippi, USA) on 10/09/2019
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to post what is working for me for my hiatal hernia, acid reflux and low stomach acid.

I thank GOD I finally figured out my remedy and I thank all the people posting in here for all your input and knowledge. Within the last 3 months I read (I think) in Earth Clinic almost every post relating to hiatal hernia, low acid stomach, enzymes, digestion you name so I could get as much info as I could to figure out what to do. I even purchased Ted and Bill’s book on Amazon and all the meters they recommended to test your own health. By the way, it’s an awesome book and the meters work great they recommend! A little about me: I’m 62 years old, female, and was diagnosed 8 years ago with a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, and gastritis.

They also tested for H-pylori and it was negative. Docs wanted to put me on antacids, but I refused them knowing at that time they don’t cure anything. You’ve got to get to the real problem, I learned that working in health food/vitamin stores for years. My digestion in the last 8 years has been on and off good and bad. I used some supplements and baking soda for acid reflux and some digestive enzymes, I got by on that. I also narrowed down what foods were giving me trouble and stopped eating them or cut back. I am also type 2 diabetic and have a ton of food sensitivities. My mom had Crohn’s disease, sisters and brothers have digestive issues too. Gut problems run in my family. Within the last 3 month my digestive issues turned for the worse. The hiatal hernia would not stay down and it seemed like I couldn’t digest anything!! I was jumping with the warm water in my stomach after every meal with pain in my chest almost all the time from the hiatal hernia. All this ‘really’ got my attention to dig in on the post on Earth Clinic and read…read…read. After some trial and errors on trying different remedies, I finally figured out my unique remedy.

I used a combination of products mentioned in some of the post and made notes on what I ate, took, and if it helped or made it worse. Here’s what I’ve been taking for the last 5 days that’s WORKING. I’ve not had my hiatal hernia in my chest and no acid reflux.

Products I’m using: Ginger tea (made from fresh ginger), ACV mixed with water, eating foods that contain natural enzymes for digestion (I can post the list I created if you want to read it, let me know) and the one I’m most amazed with - Premier d- Limonene liquid drops made by Premier Research Labs.

Here’s what I do:

Every morning first thing: I drink a cup of warm ginger tea. I make it at night and just warm up. I don’t have coffee for about one hour after drinking it. The ginger tea gets the digestive system going (muscles). Before every meal: I drink AVC (I started with ¼ teaspoon and now use ½ teaspoon) in 8 oz. of water. While eating I drink the ginger tea. Not a lot, about one cup throughout the meal. It was suggested to drink with meals by someone, so that’s why I do it this way. Apparently helps stimulate digestion. After every meal: I drink 2 drop of the Premier d-Limonene liquid in 8 oz. of water after I’m done eating. Do not take it without food in your tummy. It even says on the bottle not too. I forgot one day and took it without food. My tummy didn’t like it.

This is all that I’m doing right now. I will post again to update everyone on my progress. I am so happy because I was so miserable. Thank you again everyone for all your posts.