Chiropractic, Osteopathic, Or Massage Therapy for Hiatal Hernia

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Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 01/27/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I knew someone who had some type of pain that was head ache like. He went to the chiropractors almost monthly. One time he had use another chiropractor and he found the treatment more effective. Upon further investigation, we found out that he was using a particular method - coxes lower back extension - and a special table. This worked like a charm so he may have to go every 6 months to a year. I am just using this as an example.

Chiropractors learn many methods but they are not be taught in all the methods or have all the equipment. Do you know the exact method they use to successfully to remedy hernia.

In regards to h pylori, the goal is not to get rid of them but bring the population down to a reasonable level. Most people have h pylori. The problem occurs when the population becomes too large.

Your burning throat sounds like acid reflux. When you lie down, it will get worse. Try the Acid Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda etc.

As an aside bronchitis, asthma and acid reflux can seem the same especially with coughing. Took me many years to figure it out. For a while I thought I had nocturnal asthma when it was really acid reflux.

It has been said that glaucoma is caused by high pressure in eye but people who have low and normal pressure also get it also. First I would look into taking anti-oxidants for the eye such as astaxanthin, lutein etc just as preventative measure. Second I would try the Bates Method of relaxing the eye since it is easy to do. Third. could you indicate what you have tried for the glaucoma.