Check For Gluten Allergy for Hiatal Hernia

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Kauai_syren (Mendocino, Ca) on 12/20/2010
5 out of 5 stars

To the person who is suffering Hiatel Hernia with no luck:
Have you thought about the possibly that you could be gluten intolerant? I am gluten intolerant and suffer hiatel hernias when I am exposed to gluten... Also, both my left and right ileocecal valves open up. This causes a lot of pain and I suffer....! However, I am very lucky and blessed as I have a wonderful doctor that always seems to fix me. She is a doctor of chiropractic and an applied kinesiologist specializing in nutrition and food allergy testing. She is also celiac (allergic to gluten). If you are intrigued and want to know more, please take your chance! Being gluten free changed my life. I don't know what I would have done if I had not made this change. It is hard, but is there really any price to pay for feeling healthy?