Ip6 for Hemochromatosis

5 star (2) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Sally O. (Kentucky) on 02/01/2021
5 out of 5 stars

We are getting IP6 Gold and will take a scoop a day (equal to 8 capsules) which is recommended by the maker for people with hemochromatosis. I've done a lot of research and you want IP6 with inositol in the proper ratio. Most of the brands know the ratio, there is a wide range of options.
REPLY   4      

Kathleen (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/29/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered from Hemochromatosis and have been having phlebotomies for almost 20 years. In the beginning I was having one pint depleted once a week. Then I got bad so quickly the started drawing two... Yes 2... Pints of blood a WEEK! This went on for over a year. Then once a week for several years.... Until I found ip6 [inositol hexophosphate]. Once I started taking it regularly, I didn't have to have a phlebotomy for 2 years! Not one treatment for two whole years! I stopped taking it for a while and recently started again. I'm having phlebotomies about 3x a year now and I'm happy and I thank God I'm alive! I hope this helps....
REPLY   13