Foot Wrapping for Heel Spurs

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Laurie (Frisco, Texas) on 02/20/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I tried everything, EVERYTHING, for debilitating heel spur pain. It was so bad I thought I was heading for a wheelchair. Someone suggested "wrapping". I use medical tape or in a pinch, duct tape; following the directions found on the internet and experimenting with what worked best for me. Search "foot wrapping for heel spurs" and give it a try. If you are allergic to tape adhesives, this may not be your answer - but I am 99% better, with virtually no pain whatsoever, even with being on my feet all day.
REPLY   1      

Leta (Bolton, NC) on 01/30/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from pain in my heels for about two years. Since that time I had a child and gained weight and it really became unbearable. I figured it was heel spurs because my mama always suffered from them. I went with my daughter Christmas shopping right before Christmas and was unable to stand up for very long after a few hours of shopping. I had to continously sit down and I knew it was time to get help. I had previously purchased inserts for my shoes over the internet over a year ago and it helped but they had wore down and I didn't use them this day.

The next business day I scheduled an appt. with the foot doctor only to find out what I already knew BUT it wasn't the bone spur causing the pain. The muscle under the foot becomes weak over the years and with the added weight it would become inflamed. The doctor told me he would wrap my feet with tape and I thought, "he must be crazy", tape is not going to help my pain. I figured I would have to have shots in my heels like my mama did years ago. After he wrapped them, it felt strange and it was really tight. It was uncomfortable at first and he told me to wear them for 5-7 days without getting them wet. Again, I thought, "he must be crazy". I put my shoes on, left and that evening noticed I had less pain. The next day, even more less pain. Well, by the fourth day, I had little to no pain BUT they were beginning to smell because you weren't suppose to get them wet, and of course, I did when I washed. (I tried wrapping my feet in plastic, didn't work). So I took the tape off and thought, well, now what. I had went to Texas with my husband and wouldn't be back to NC for three weeks so I knew I had to do something. I first tried wrapping my feet with sports tape but just about cut my circulation off so I got on the old faithful internet and came across Duct Tape. Yes, duct tape. I wrapped my feet around the arch, snug but NOT tight. I wrapped it from one side of my foot, around the ankle to the other side. It worked a MIRACLE! NO pain all day long.

I went back to the doctor after I got back to NC and told him what I done. He was surprised the duct tape didn't tear my skin but I told him I used the generic kind at a dollar store and it worked wonderful. I would then get in the shower and let the water loosen it up and take it right off. Please keep in mind, I use the exercises they tell you to do to help alleviate the stress on the muscle and my feet are doing much much better. I still have to wear the tape and do the exercises and DON'T go barefooted and my feet aren't hurting like they were. I can go all day long and at the end of the day, they feel fine. Also, he had prescribed me pain medicine which I did not take after two days of using the tape.

Hope this helps. Leta