Apple Cider Vinegar for Heartburn

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Anna (Los Angeles, California) on 02/27/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I just tried AVC for the first time and it actually is quite the miracle... I feel lots of energy just from the first drink! And I actually think it tastes pretty good... 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 1/2 tspn of cayenne pepper 1/2 lemon juice 2 tspns of maple syrup I was not actually expecting to find this today or this website... while I couldn't go to school today from horrible heartburn and this remedy actually helps if you ever get heartburn!
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sandy (modesto, ca) on 01/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

2 tablespoons of ACV w/the mother mixed with 4 tablesspoons of fruit juice and my heartburn was gone! Super!... my husband won't try it, he's sticks with tums
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chris a (san antonio, texas) on 01/04/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi just writing to let you all know that that I was looking for a remedy for Hep c and stumbled across H202. And ACV for high cholestrol. well i have been taking H2o2 as directed with a dropper. And i have noticed that this product cleared an annoying cough. The ACV helped out with the bad heartburn that i had. When the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made this world he made it perfect. Praise the lord for the natural remedies that he has made. CGA, Sa,Tex
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Jennifer (Windsor, California) on 08/14/2007:
1 out of 5 stars

Hi Karen, My mother occasionally experiences the same heartburn discomfort after taking ACV. She can't take it on an empty stomach and has to sip it slowly. She does take it every morning after breakfast diluted in 16 oz of filtered water. In regards to lowering blood pressure, she's had wonderful success with cayenne pepper. Do a search on Dr. Richard Schultz for lots more info. My Mom's doctor reduced her blood pressure med in half several months ago and my Mom hopes to be able to stop completely when she goes back in for her checkup in a couple of months. Besides eating well and taking the ACV and cayenne, she walks several miles 3 - 4 times a week.
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Debbie (Cortland, NY) on 01/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

tried 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinager and i havent had any more problems with heartburn for 6mos already
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Conni (Bainbridge, OH) on 01/01/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I remember my Grandmother (she's now 94)telling me about ACV tea with honey years ago, but I didn't take heed to her good teaching. In fact she had the book by Jarvis - 'Folk Healing' and has since given it to me. Anyway, in his book, Jarvis talks about preparing babies' formula (for those who can't nurse) with cows milk and using honey to sweeten it. It is my understanding that infants under a yr old cannot tolerate honey, as there is something in it that is toxic to them. Now, here's the weird daughter is 32 and when she was an infant I would often dip her pacifier in honey. She loved it and it never, ever made her sick. Of course, I had no idea at the time that honey is supposed to be toxic to little ones. Did she have a tolerance to honey and were we just really lucky it didn't make her sick? Could somebody share any experiences with this? I'm beginning to think the formula companies don't want young mothers to know there is an alternative to their expensive products and are using scare tactics to prevent a less pricey, and perhaps, more nutritious 'formula' from being used. As for the ACV....I plan on using it for more than just heartburn. I've had it for years off and on. I'd be prescribed meds and I'd take 'em, but the heartburn always came back. Recently it has been a constant companion for 3 weeks solid. I stumbled upon your website and feel like I've died and gone to heaven. It's wonderful. Thank you so much.
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Ryan (Ottawa, Ontario) on 12/03/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been experiencing recurrent chest pain for almost the last year, all tests (ECG's, Halter Monitor and lots of blood work) indicated that there was nothing wrong with my heart so the doctors put me on one of those fancy (and expensive) proton pump inhibitors as they assumed everything was related to GERD (acid reflux). I am not sure if it was GERD that I had but the chest pain has gone away. As a bonus I have been shedding pounds like never before. However I do think that the weight loss is mostly water due to the fact that ACV acts as a mild diuretic. Interestingly enought unlike other natural diuretics ACV doesnt affect your salts/electrolytes because it contains potassium. Really happy to have found this website!
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Connie (Eugene Oregon) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I recommend anyone with heartburn to keep ACV with cloves of garlic in the refrigerator and drink an ounce of that mixture next time it occurs. The results is almost immediate.
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Ray (New York City) on 03/01/2004:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to get severe heartburn after eating spicy things. Last year a friend recommended me to drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. In less than a minute the burning sensations were gone. Ever since that I have never had any burning sensations. I used to take tums and rolaids or drink milk and it would not provide fast relief. I used to suffer from heartburn after every meal. Even after breakfast! After stumbling on ACV, I have not suffered from heartburn ever since. It has cured my sinus headaches and also a wart that I had on my finger for 5 years! ACV is better than the doctor. I don't drink ACV but rather eat about 5 tbls. of it on a cabbage salad recipe. I eat it every day.
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