Hawthorn for Heart Palpitations

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Danray (Panama City, Florida) on 11/01/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered skipping heart beats rapid heart rate, acid reflux and panic attacks for 15 years. Now all that is gone. I found out that Hawthorn will stop the irregular heart beat in minutes. Also found out the cause was poor digestion accompanied by stress. Apparently the intestines have some similar tissues to the heart. I thought perhaps my heart palps were due to food alergies because they seemed to come on strong after a meal. I am taking several enzymes to correct my digestion and the hawthorn. My heart now beats normal all the time in the low 60s at rest. Used to be in the mid to high 90s at rest. Ive not felt this good in years.