Apple Cider Vinegar for Heart Palpitations

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Sugarboo (Cocoa Beach, Florida) on 08/20/2012
1 out of 5 stars


.. Any kind of Vinegar can cause heart palpatations. Vinegar speeds up the metablolism and therefore can cause palapataions. Hasn't anyone on here ever heard of the "Apple Cider Vinegar" diet? two or three tablspoons a day of it. It speeds up your metabolism just like caffeine, diet pills, speed, any natural suplement that is supposed to aid in weight loss, or any kind of stimulant. I have major heart problems and was trying to lose weight by eating salads for lunch and dinner. I used white balsalmic vinegar for the dressing and didn't realize this is what set me off on a two week course to almost being dead!! No one could figure out why my heart beat was all over the place. I finally figured it out on my own, but it has taken three weeks for my heart to heal from the damaging of it having to work so hard from the fast heartbeats. Hope this helps someone out there...