Ted's Remedies for Swine Flu

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Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Swine flu pneumonic plague.

One of the remedies I have tested in the past against pneumonic plague, which affects more on the respiratory illness, that has the best results overall is the use of a digestive enzyme, capsule form, having bromelain, pancreatic enzyme, papain, papaya extract, for example, works best overall compared to the hydrochloric acid remedy.

However, I have observed when a person has this sort of condition, both the digestive enzyme AND hydrochloric acid is low in the body, as noticed by general weakness of the condition.

When compared side by side, I observed that the digestive enzyme (in capsule form, never in tablet form), works about twice to four times better than the hydrochloric acid. However, hydrochloric acid is valuable against this sort of illness and helps if it is added to the remedy. It is especially important when digestive enzyme is not available if you happened to be living in an isolated village in the rural area, a hydrochloric acid maybe easier to obtain.

However, the digestive enzyme capsules, which is often taken a minimum from 3 to 8 times a day, works much better, if it was possible to obtain them. This results in reduction in mucus of about 80% the first day. The other remedy I have posted was the chinese Ganmaoling tablets. Although I liked the old form, which was uncoated with sugar, the new one works a lot less better. To make it work, the remedy requires that a person has to chew on it, or grind them to a powder and dissolve to work more effective. The Hydrochloric acid remedy against the pneumonic plague (ukraine - although sometimes referred to as hemorrhagic flu) works by increasing the energy level, the dose I have used is between 2 drops to 8 drops, with average dose that I have used is about 3 or 4 drops, of Hydrochloric acid 35% concentrated, any grade are suitable and are often more obtainable, at least in Asia, then the digestive enzymes. The dose, is taken at roughly 50 cc, every 30 minutes, which will raise the body's immune system, and energy level within less then two minutes.

However, as mentioned previously, the best one is a digestive enzyme overall, followed by Ganmaoling tablets, a chinese herbal remedy against teh cold, but works the best in reducing the mucus associated with flooding of the lungs. The remedy for Ganmaoling, is preferably taken at 8 tablets every 2 hours is a dose I am a bit more happier, and taken throughout the entire day of at least 16 hours. The minimum dose, but less effective is 4 tablets taken every 3 hours for four times. A fever is best controlled by lysine, taken hourly for a day or so.

However, for a severe condition where the person already had damaged lungs, from this second strain. Even though the reported pneumonic plague is in Ukraine, a similar kind has already happened in Bangkok, about 1-2 months ago, and doctors will identify (or may) as the H1N1 swine also. However, there IS a difference, even though standard tests denies that, the symptoms are noticeably very different from the usual swine flu, it may have been the synergism with another bacteria/virus found in hospital that quickly eats up the lungs within a few days after the infection. A typical home swine flu won't eat the lungs within few days as the ones I have found via hospital infections that eats up about 1/2 of the lungs in a few days, since i have seen x rays of that. When this happens, to restore this severe damage, a lysine supplements is taken for almost 24 hours (possibly skipped during sleep hours, and taking larger dose instead), and taken for at least two weeks to reverse this peculiar conditon. It should be noted that the full name of a typical lysine, is lysine hydrochloride, which has the hydrochloric, as the Korean research has found, also works even if a hydrochloric acid were not obtainable, a lysine hydrochloride would do. As to betaine, which is another from of hydrochloride, can be used too, so we really don't need to get hydrochloric acid and it works too, but not as good a the lysine one.

The lysine is effective in reducing fever, but in severe pneumonic flu, it takes about hourly doses, 1000 mg for about 6 hours to kick in, while the Tamiflu simply doesn't work at all, and the price is too expensive, and is as useless.

The initial dose for a severe from of pneumonic flu is that the initial dose is taken at 4000 mg, of lysine followed by an hourly dose of 1000 mg.

The dose is calculated on a typical male, 150 pound.

So people, with different weights is calculated on that basis.

As for me, the newer strain affects the respiratory system very fast, and if there is excessive mucus, which leads to the flooding of the lungs (i prefer this doesn't happen) then IT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO GET THE DIGESTIVE ENZYME!

Lysine is important against fever, so the flu or bacteria DOES NOT ENTER THE BLOOD. When they do enter it attacks the immune system, and the high fever may cook the brain as in temperatures of 104 degree Fahrenheit. I prefer to deal with 103 rather than 104 before they go up.

As to other things mentioned about ozone water, acidic ozone water, they are too weak in practice. A typical one capful of 3% H2O2, or preferably two capful of 3% H2O2 in one liter of drinking water taken at 1/4 to 1/2 glass every 30 minutes for a total of 5-6 hours, may likely work a lot better, and may have a much higher kill rate. Whenever a hydrogen peroxide is used it works best whenever vitamin C is taken.

If the pneumonic flu isn't of hemorrhagic variety and all the other things were not obtainable, then a vitamin C and aspirin remedy is used for only one day and used hourly between 4 to 6 hours, but preferably at 50 minutes interval. I know there is a lot of nuances in the pneumonia cure, and flus in general. One of the atomizers I used to dry the lungs when a person does have pneumonia is the use of a 5% ammonium chloride solution in 5% potassium carbonate solution.

It kills the bacterium form and dries up the lungs. The method of use for me is not really to spray directly, but just spray in the room a couple of times and breathe in the mist. The lungs will clear up after a few minutes, so it works ok. The sea salt will also dry up flooding of the lungs, along with other remedies, the dose is 1/2 teaspoon for a typical 150 pound man, with normal blood pressure. If blood pressure is high, it's 1/4 teaspoon usually dissolved in a glass of water, and drank slowly. If a person who took the 1/4 teaspoon he takes in twice, but a 1/2 teaspoon is a glass of water is taken once, slowly of course, drinking them within 10 minutes if fine or even 20 minutes, if he believe there's too much water. The sea salt remedy to dry up the lungs is a one dose remedy but if it works and a person has no problem with blood pressure it maybe continued, but only once a day. In a severe lung damage pneumonic flu the lysine maintenance dose is continued, typically 1000-1200 mg three times a day for at least a month. One of the benefits of the lysine is it's ability to repair the lung tissue. Potassium is a common atomizer, along with ammonium chloride I used it as a contact spray when the mist is applied to kill remaining pneumonia in the lungs and is used whenever breathing is not too clear, but this remedy I used maybe three or four times a day.

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Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/20/2009
5 out of 5 stars

By Yulia Makoveeva, MIGnews.com.ua

Some Info on Pneumonic plague (hemmorhagic flu) closed meeting has been held in Ivano-Frankivsk, at which participants agreed that epidemic of the so-called "pneumonic plague" is being spread throughout Ukraine. But the problem is its form is unknown, it is ATYPICAL nobody knows how to treat it.

PNEUMONIC PLAGUE has an acute course than other forms, over and is accompanied by a very high mortality rate. The incubation period of primary pneumonic plague rarely exceeds more than 1-4 days. It begins, as a rule, suddenly - with shivering, fever, headache, myalgia, weakness, nausea. The symptoms of pneumonia - cough with phlegm, chest pain, shortness of breath - usually appear on the second day of the disease. Blood spitting, growing respiratory disorders, heart failure, respiratory failure, shock are being observed. In primary pneumonic plague phlegm usually is watery or mucinous, foamy, with blood or visibly bloody.

A secondary pneumonic plague occurs as interstitial pneumonia. Phlegm is scanty and more dense and viscous than in primary pulmonary plague. It is believed that in this regard, patients are less contagious.

As a reminder, yesterday, on October 28 flu epidemic in the Ternopil Region, which had appeared a week ago, mowed down nearly 10,000 of residents. Moreover - unknown virus has already killed seven people. Ministry of Health has confirmed 20 deaths from pneumonia in Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv Regions.