Gynecomastia Surgery and Natural Treatments

Modified on Sep 02, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

What Is Gynecomastia?

An imbalance in hormones in the body can lead to significant health issues in both men and women. Gynecomastia is a condition that affects men as a result of irregular levels of estrogen and testosterone. Defined as the swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, gynecomastia may affect one both breasts and may appear unevenly.

While gynecomastia is typically not a major health concern, affected individuals may experience slight pain from the swelling and may be self-conscious or embarrassed about their bodies. The common signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include swollen breast gland tissue and general breast tenderness. More serious symptoms including severe swelling, pain, tenderness and nipple discharge are uncommon and require medical attention.

The underlying cause of gynecomastia is a decrease in the amount of testosterone when compared to the amount of estrogen. This imbalance may be caused by a number of factors. In infants, an estrogen imbalance is typically due to the effects of the mother’s estrogen levels on the baby while in pubescent boys the irregular hormone levels typically originate from bodily changes. Likewise, gynecomastia in men typically arises between the ages of 50 and 80 and is a result of bodily changes the male is facing. Medications, drugs, alcohol, other health conditions and herbal products have also been tied to the development of gynecomastia in males.

Natural Remedies for Gynecomastia

One of the most common options for treating this condition is often gynecomastia surgery. However, gynecomastia surgery is not the only option. Turmeric taken in either powder or capsule form is one of the most effective options for treating gynecomastia. Phytoestrogens including soy, flaxseed and red clover work to lower the estrogen levels present in the body and can relieve the effects of gynecomastia. Likewise, eating a diet lower in animal fats and higher in plant fats as well as building the chest muscles through exercise can help reduce the size and appearance of breast tissue in men and works more effectively for treating the condition than gynecomastia surgery.

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List of Remedies for Gynecomastia