Additional Anti-Cancer Remedies for Glioblastoma, Art Solbrig

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Tom 70 (Auckland) on 03/13/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

It seems some anti fungal and anti parasites agent also possess anti cancer property, like ivermectin, mebendazole, fenbendazole......

The multitargeted drug ivermectin: from an antiparasitic agent to a repositioned cancer drug - PMC (

I recently run into a few studies that even methylene blue and borax also can do such things:

Anticancer activity of methylene blue via inhibition of heat shock protein 70 - ScienceDirect

boraxinduced-apoptosis-in-hepg2-cells-involves-p53-bcl2-and-bax.pdf (

Boric Acid Inhibits Cell Growth in Breast and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines | SpringerLink

Some drugs and supplements for high blood sugar also seeems to be promising anti cancer agent:

metformin cancer - Google Search

gymnema sylvestre anti cancer - Google Search

Maybe you have mentioned these materials in your other articles already. I personally am taking high dose melatonin as prevention after reading some of your articles. I am also taking ivermectin, mebendazole, fenbendazole, apricot seeds, metformin and gymnema sylvestre.

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