Glioblastoma Supplements

5 Safe & Promising Supplements for Glioblastoma

Modified on Jul 22, 2023

I knew someone who recently passed away from Glioblastoma Multiforme, a fast-growing and aggressive brain tumor. I suggested some things to his wife, but she chose to believe their doctor's prognosis that her husband would live another five years. However, I urged her to do some research because typically this type of cancer has a one-year survival rate after diagnosis. They didn't ask me any questions about it and unfortunately, her husband passed away about a year later.

It's important to note that this cancer is very aggressive and typically has a poor one-year survival rate. 

While the five below supplements cannot cure the cancer, studies have shown they can potentially increase survival time. One of the supplements was even shown to do so in a human study with just 20 mg/day.

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    List of Remedies for Glioblastoma, Art Solbrig