Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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1 star (7) 

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

5 star (260) 
4 star (40) 
3 star (14) 
2 star (5) 
1 star (7) 

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

5 star (260) 
4 star (40) 
3 star (14) 
2 star (5) 
1 star (7) 

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.

T (Fort Myers, FL) on 04/12/2008:
1 out of 5 stars

I found 2 little bumps when I shaved. First thought they were ingrown hairs.....but the itched. So I found this site. I tried ACV but I starting getting more bumps..I also took imune boosting vitamins. The ACV did burn a little a few days after using it. I didnt sleep with it though. Just applied 2 times a day. I called my doc and he prescribed condylox. That stuff burned but did get rid of them fast. Made it painful wearing pants to work for days though. I am not sure how often these will break out.

Tim (New York, New York) on 04/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing. I've had a stubborn genital wart and,after finding this site, I started dabbing apple cider vinegar on it morning and night for about 2 weeks. Doing it this way produced no results. I came back to this page to re-read the posts and 3 nights ago I snipped off a piece of a cotton ball, soaked it in ACV, and strapped it to my penis with a bandaid, as outlined in other posts. I'm astonished! By morning, it had turned white. By midday it turned purple, like a blood blister. I repeated this for the last 2 nights. The wart is black, dry and hard, and looks like it will fall off, but now the skin around the wart is irritated, very sensitive, and a bit painful and red. So, last night, I used a q-tip and carefully put vaseline around the wart (not on the wart) before I put the bandaid on and it worked to protect the healthy skin from the ACV. I can't believe the results after only three days. I'll post again after it's gone.

John Doe (Houston, Texas) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

after seeing some bumps arise around my genitals i thought they were pimples since i never had genital warts before, but after trying to squeeze the puss out of them and nothin happening i figured out it was something else to after diagnosing myself from research on the internet and photos i figured out i had genital warts. i went to the clinic and they put some iodine looking solution on it that couldnt be on my skin longer than 2 hours and said that it would go away. i washed it off after an 1hr. I figured i had to give the wart some time to go down so i waited for 3 months and nothin happened it didnt even get smaller. by that time i didnt have insurance and the doctor wasnt an option on my budget, i needed something inexpensive that would work. So i began researching natural remedies for removing GW. After reading about ACV i thought it wouldnt work, im not even gonna lie, because theirs so many different medicines out there that are so expense and this one you can buy at the grocery store for a dollar, but i didnt have anything to lose and everything to gain if it i went i got some apple cider vinegar from my local grocery, went home and i soaked a cotton ball in ACV and taped it to the warts, it burned a little but i had read to expect that so i didnt worry. i could endure the pain if it worked. i went to sleep with the cotton ball taped and in the morning my GWs had shrunk half their size and were turning black. so the next night did the same thing and in the morning i could see the warts dissolving into my skin, i used first aid ointment to heal the skin after the wart came off. and amazingly this process removed the warts in 4-5days. I was so happy the only thing i was mad about was that i didnt find out about this months ago

Lynn (Springfield, MO) on 03/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been using the Aldara prescription cream for genital warts for weeks and had several side effects. I read about using the apple cider vinegar and realized I had nothing to lose. I have tried it for three days and mine are completely gone. I applied it to a cotton ball and placed it in the vaginal area and left it overnight. The next morning after I showered I would place another saturated cotton ball inside my panties while I dressed. In three days, they are gone. I do not know if I have any inside my vagina - I hear this is common. Has anyone tried douching with this to see if it works or is painful? It does burn but it works immediately and well worth a little burning. And it didnt burn nearly as much as the prescription stuff. Best of luck to you!

Shelby (Saratoga, NY) on 03/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts: It's not a placebo! I had a wart for 3 years that protruded about 1/4 of an inch out of my labia. Last night, I soaked a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and bandaided it to the area. Today, it was half its original size. I expect it will be gone within the next couple days. It felt a little odd, but there was no burning yet, although the vinegar did burn a little where I had shaved. The burning probably doesn't start until it begins to fall off. Just remember: the virus isn't necessarily gone when the warts are and this has been linked with cervical and penile cancers so get regular pap smears/check ups and keep practicing safe sex.

Bruce (bandgor, maine) on 03/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

WOW!! is all I can say I have had a med size wart on my penis for the past 4 months and didn't want to go to the doctor. I have had a few in the past and have gone to have them burned of it hurt like hell. I tried ACV on a cotton ball held on with a bandade and after 24 hours it is black and getting loose aroung the edges. I tried pulling on it and it bleed a little so its not ready yet so I put the cotton ball back on and know it will soon be gone. So thrilled I tried this natural cure it really works.

Mario (Kenesaw, NE) on 02/25/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

i tried like many people with this embarrassing condition lots of things. and acv actually works. i had genital warts for about three years now and there got to be very big and stubborn so i put small' cotton balls soaked with acv and fixed with band aids over night on it and after few days the upper layer peeled of and i am repeating this till there gone. thank you for this side ,ciao and byby

Ann (Frederick, Maryland) on 02/14/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found this site by browsing google when I found I had contacted the HPV viris that caused GW. I started using ACV from the grocery store and within 3 days one of the warts was gone. it was like my skin kicked it out. I i have 3 more to go and I am on week 2. They are the oldest ones. I am guessing strongest to. It has been 9 days since that first one disapeared and it shows no sign of returning. I am going to start taking ACV with water as soon as I can get to the Holistic store. I am also taking 2000 mg of Vit C a day. I know my immune system is week because I spent the last year not eating enough to loose weight. I also us Melaleuca oil (T36-C5) It is great stuff. Hepls with healing icthing and is a great anti bacterial. I have to us it sparingly in the vaginal area because it strips away the good bacteria and caused me to have a miner yeast infection. ~ ill up date soon...
REPLY   1      

Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) on 01/21/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

re: ACV for anal warts. A few months ago I was horrified to find out a huge wart in between my butt cheeks. Soon later two more appeared as well very close to my anus. This intrigued me since I had tested negative for HPV on the year before (I am VERY paranoid about safe sex and such). I couldn't tell anyone about it because I couldn't explain how a guy can get this kind of stuff. So I searched online for natural cures (I'm all against Big Pharma , so a natural solution was a must). I searched online and found about ACV to be used topically, so that night I placed a huge moist cotton ball with ACV against my anus and went to bed. The next day was a bit uncomfortable as things got swollen, but I went on with it for another night. On day 3 I woke up and took a shower, and to my surprise the big one just fell off right on my hand! It was all black and seemed very spongee. But after two nights things were burning a bit, so I waited for everything to go back to normal before proceeding with the treatment.

Results: they were all gone by the 3rd application and haven't returned. Since then I have been using ACV on my face and I no longer have ingrown hair problems or razor burns. I also take it internally, 2tbsp with water and blackstrap molasses (I love it! Beats having a pop). My skin is great, BO is not an issue anymore, and things just seem to be going well. Thank you all for posting your comments and saving me from a very embarrassing visit to the doctor that would result in expensive and ineffective burns/freezes. It's nothing short of a miracle.


Ralph (New Orleans, LA) on 01/15/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

THE VINEGAR WORKS !!!! after only 3 days the small ones have turned black and one or two have fallen off. The larger one is flaking wich I take to be a good sign that its peeling itself away. I wrap my penis in gause bandage soaked in ACV - really stings but you grin and bear it because you can see the results.
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