Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
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Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

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Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
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Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
REPLY   1      

Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

 View Entire Thread


Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
REPLY   1      

Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!

Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
REPLY   1      

Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

 View Entire Thread


Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
REPLY   1      

Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

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Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
REPLY   1      

Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

 View Entire Thread


Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
REPLY   1      

Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!

Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
REPLY   1      

Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

 View Entire Thread


Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
REPLY   1      

Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!

Beth (Fremont, California) on 07/11/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I used to treat my genital warts with the stuff that doctors give you : Aldara Creme. With Aldara it took me 2 months to completely get rid of my warts which to me is way to long. I had genital warts break out twice and my second time I decided to try the new remedy that I found on this website: Apple Cider Vinegar. I put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball every night before I went to bed and believe it or not my warts were gone in 3 days!!! The only problem I had when they fell off was that the parts of my skin were exposed and were bleeding. I had to keep rubbing neosporin to keep it from hurting. Other wise, I HIGHLY recommend Apple Cider Vinegar! It's quick and easy to do! :)

Allen (Portland, Oregon) on 07/08/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was searching on the net for about three days when I came across this site. I was looking to find a cure or remedy for genital warts. All the posts on this site helped so much. I am trying the ACV solution and it is working. I just wanna thank you guys for devoloping this site and all the great feed back from people that have been unfortunate enough to get the same ailement as I. When they are gone i will update again, but thank you so much for your help and knowledge to everyone that posts here.

Sasha (San Jose, CA) on 07/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I was so excited to come across a site that wasn't charging for info on it's home remedy for genital warts. It's bad enough as it is to deal with, let alone have someone trying to take all your money. After freezing did practically nothing, I've started using ACV as of yesterday. Already my wart is getting smaller. However, after having to tell my boyfriend about this, he's very angry at me and contemplating breaking up with me (after two years of being together) because of it. How do I convince him that it's not the end of the world and there's treatments out there than can get rid of warts?
REPLY   1      

Anonymous (Unknown, TN) on 07/02/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

El Har,
Wanted to post this to let everyone know if you follow El Har's exact instructions the warts will disappear within just days. El Har you are a life saver. I went to my OB-GYN and was humiliated and he applied ACID which took the warts away but they just came back in a different place. I hope everyone reads this as El Har gives very detailed instructions how to get rid of these pesky warts. THANK YOU!!

 View Entire Thread


Pleased (San Francisco, USA) on 06/23/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for genital warts. It works! Planned Parenthood did nothing for the genital warts I developed on the outside-but after reading this site (after much internet research) I put this remedy to the test. It took about a week, but the grotesque things are absent. Give it a try, can't hurt.

Eileen (Eugene, Oregon) on 06/19/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV cured my genital wart. I had a very small genital wart - it had been there for many months and I was embarrassed about it. I couldn't see it (I could have with a mirror and some trouble, but I never did this.) I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept it in place with a large bandage. I did this twice a day for two days. After two days it was completely gone. I am really surprised that this worked, and wanted to recommend this method to others as definitely worth a try.
REPLY   1      

Adriana (El Paso, Texas) on 06/03/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

im a 21 female & self diagnosed myself w/genital & anal warts. i was bewildered!theyre so uncomfortable but didnt look as bad as the ones ive seen on the i-net! i dont have insurance so i looked for days for a cure until i found earth clinic & tried this! it REALLY WORKED!! its as simple as APPLE CIDER VINEGAR!

all i did for my anal warts was fold toilet paper like a burrito then soaked it in ACV.i gave it a lil pinch so it wont drip much then put it in between my cheeks & squeezed for 10min consecutively! i did this 2x a not gonna lie it really hurt! for my girl area i pressed the paper down till i felt it sting. you'll know its working when it burns! but its not so bad after the 3rd min or so.the 1st 2 days they turned white/grey & felt them getting rougher & dry! i poured some peroxide over it so it can heal faster & so the germs would die. the area around it hurts cause its raw skin so use a bandaid after 2put over the warts 2help suffocate them (since they need air 2survive & grow) keep them from rubbing & affecting other areas! i stopped on the 3rd day cause the skin was hurting, but i can harly c them now! they r going away! IN 3DAYS! im gonna wait a day then repeat & am sure they'll b completely gone! im doing this section by section because of the pain & the raw skin. but talk about fast results! 3days i can finally rest assure! thank u so much to ppl who do this to help! i had to post somethin up cause i wanna make sure ppl know that this works! & ur not alone! if u guys need any help read everything & contact me i will gladly help! thank u so much earth clinic!


El Ahr (Cairo, Illinois) on 05/26/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Genital Warts: (This is long but it is WORTH THE READ. I DETAIL HOW TO MAKE THOSE WARTS DISAPPEAR FOR GOOD!!! Don't waste your money on any gimmicks - this advice is free and it worked for me).

I was a HUGE skeptic when I first decided to try a home remedy for my warts. When I first realized I had warts on the shaft of my penis, I cried with shame. I scoured the internet, did tons of research and panic took over as I sought a way to get rid of this taboo STD. And if you stumbled across this website, I'm pretty sure you've felt the exact same thing I've just described. But ladies and gentlemen, SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT of having genital warts a part of your medical history. Before you go see a doctor, relax, take a deep breath, and from this moment forward, put yourself in a POSITIVE state of mind because everything is going to be alright. I found this site MONTHS AGO, but I have waited to post until now (three months later) just to be sure this wasn't a fluke.

To begin, everybody's body is made up a little different, but I swear on everything that is holy and dear to me, this worked for me and I feel like a new man. I followed this procedure and by the third day, my warts fell off:

First, start off by taking a nice warm shower. Clean your whole body, and pay special attention to the area with warts. I suggest taking a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the shower with you so that after you're done soaping up and rinsing, you can poor it directly on the area just to kill off any wart particles that may cause the nastiness to spread. After your shower, dry off. Get some regular sized bandages, some cottonballs, and some Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). ACV is cheap and any kind will work. Take a bandage and cut a strip of the adhesive part off the bandage. This strip will serve as "tape" to hold the cottonball in place. Then, take a cottonball, rip off a piece that is about the size of the wart, and roll it up nice and tight. Take your little ball of cotton and soak it in ACV. Squeeze it gently so it wont drip, but don't squeeze it so much that the cotton ball is dry. You want to leave some ACV in there so the wart will drink it up.

Next, take the ACV-soaked cottonball piece and put it in the middle of the adhesive strip you cut (on the sticky side). It should stick to the strip. Then carefully, place the cottonball directly over the nasty little wart you want to kill. Gently push the advesive srtip onto your skin, but don't push too hard. Once you've done this, cover that strip with a small bandage to keep in place.

I've read some people report that this stings a bit. It stung a little for me by the second day because ACV might take off a little bit of the good skin around the wart. But TRUST ME, it is worth the sting and after a bit, you should get used to it. If anything, put yourself in the state of mind that "the sting is the wart dying." That will help you to grin and bear it.

Do this in the morning after your shower before you go to work/school/wherever. When you get back home in the evening of the first day, when you take off the bandage and adhesive strip, you should notice the wart to start to turn whitish-grey. Take another shower, and repeat the process of soaping up, soaking in the warm water, and pouring hydrogen peroxide on the wart right before you get out of the shower. Follow the same procedure with the cottonballs, the ACV and the bandage strips and leave it on through the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice the wart turning a blackish/dark-grey color. That means its working.

Do this for two more days or until the wart just falls off in the shower. If the skin around the blackish wart turns whitish, that ALSO means it's working.

I think one other person on here has addressed how to take care of your skin AFTER THE WART FALLS OFF. You may notice that when the wart falls off, the skin underneath will be raw. You may see like a little hole in your skin. Thats a good thing, but your REGIMEN DOESN'T END THERE!! Once the wart falls off, if you are in the shower, IMMEDIATELY rinse off the area and pour hydrogen peroxide on the skin. The area will turn white and bubble up (the reaction from the Hydrogen Peroxide killing off the germs). This is a good thing so don't freak out. Then rinse off. You may notice that when you rinse, the raw skin may stay "whitish." That's okay. Thats just the hydrogen peroxide that is in the skin now. When you get out the shower, dab some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and hold it on the new skin for few seconds. Then CAREFULLY take a cottonswab and put some antibiotic on it (like an ointment with zinc oxide in it) and dab it on the raw skin. DON'T smear it all over, just dab it right on the raw skin. Cover it with a bandage, and for extra caution, once you are done putting on the bandage, take some hyrdrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol, dab it on a cotton ball, and wipe the area where the bandaid is just to be sure you aint spreading wart germs.

Repeat this for an additional four to five days and the area will heal up like brand new. You will never even know a wart was there. In total, you can be like new in about 2 weeks time.

In addition to this direct method, I have decided to build up my immune system. This not only has prevented new warts, but I swear I haven't gotten sick AT ALL. Im sure that by now, my body/immune system has killed off whatever virus was in my body that caused the warts.

On a daily basis (and I take this with food so I don't ruin my stomach), I take 1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 i.u. of vitamin E, 25,000 i.u. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time). I spent only 30 dollars buying all these pills at a drug store, and it has been every bit worth it. They have lasted me already almost four months and I feel great. If you read up on these vitamins, ALL of them are known for either boosting the immune system or helping the body kill viruses. They really really work, I swear by them.

For those of you freaking out about your genital warts, TRUST ME you're not freaking out nearly as much as I did. I almost went crazy living with them. But I followed the advice of people who have been through this before me, and I am passing the advice down to you coupled with my own little tricks. It upsets me that there are so many jerks out there that try to charge you for advice to help you get rid of these nasty little things. I learned everything on this posting on my own, and it WORKS.

Also, I would HIGHLY recommend trying this remedy first. Don't waste your money on unnecessary doctor visits and prescription drugs that are probably gonna do you more harm than good. However, don't take this message to mean you should not see your doctor. If there is something wrong with you, by all means go see him. But for a genital wart that you can get rid of on your own? In such a short amount of time? Save your money, save your time, and follow this procedure. You are not alone, and you WILL get rid of them.

Thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful sight!!

Good luck and God Bless.
REPLY   13      

John (Columbus, Ohio) on 05/13/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

When I was with my ex wife, moles appeared on my penis. After we split up, i wanted these moles off of my penis, cuz if i get with someone, and i have moles on my penis, my partner more than likeley would not have sex with me. Probably would have thought that I had some kind of serious STD. I considered surgery, but going under the knife on my penis, I DONT THINK SO!! So I went on a search online, and found this site. But first, I wanted to be sure that these moles were not an STD. So I went to an STD clinic, to ensure I did not contract anything from my Ex. Tests came back negative for the serious ones, and the moles were not part of an STD. They just grew there, I have moles on my neck too, and they just grew there. Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of my moles on my penis. What I did, is I took some cotton balls, waterproof medical tape, Apple cider vinegar, of course. Well, Ill tell you one thing, u DEFINATELY want to shave your pubic hair before you do this!!! Cuz I did not, and the first time i had to remove my bandage, it was like removing duct tape from my penis, and all the hair removed with it. VERY PAINFULL!! But, I figured out a way to do it comfortably, and effective too. What I did to make it comfortable, first, make it to where you penis is half- erected, soak the cotton balls in the apple cider vinegar, apply the soaked APV cotton balls on the moles, then wrap rolled gause around penis, then put your tape around it firmly. (This next step is for circumsised penis, uncircumsised, im not sure what you would do, just be creative.. this next step is to ensure that your cotton balls dont move when the penis returns to normal. ) make sure you take some excess skin, and push it towards the head, while putting the gause, and tape around the penis. then, tape just under the head, where u put that excess skin at, and wrap tape very firmly ( this will make sure that the skin dont retract when the penis returns to normal ) just under the head. Change bandage twice a day. My two moles were gone in 4 days. I only had to do the bandage thing for only 2 days. After the 2nd day, they were black, hard, and sore and on the 4th day, they fell off. This is nothing short of a miracle. Now whenever I want to have sex with someone, I no longer feel embarressed. Thanks Earth Clinic!!! For people that want to email me for questions, use my email address up there, get rid of all the . in the name jsatter, then your I only typed it like that so that spam bots could not send me anything.

Steve (Denver, CO) on 04/20/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I found a wart and was obviosuly mortified. After searching the web, I bought a product called "Warts No More" which did absolutely nothing. It did however make my wallet "Money No More". I then, found this website and tried the Apple Cider Vinegar to remove the genital wart. I cut off the end of a q-tip, soaked it with the ACV, squeezed it so it wasnt dripping but was sure to leave a lot in it and also removed the cotton attached to the band-aid so it wouldn't soak up the remainder. I applied in the AM and PM. First day it turned white and second day it turned grey. Barely any discomfort and on the third day during my shower it just fell off! Now I have a small scab that is healing nicely. Should be all healed in 3-4 more days. I simply can't believe this worked and thanks to all for posting your comments. You saved me!!!
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